Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday's Winning Words

I recently came across this picture (yes, on Pinterest), and it really hit home.

Pinned Image

I had heard, prior to having a child about this age, that 4-year olds ask "why?" a lot.  I know Justus is a curious boy, so I was beginning to think maybe we skipped the "why?" stage.  I was a bit pleased because, frankly, I worried that I wouldn't always have the answer.  I'm not that smart, nor am I that quick on my feet.  Disaster with an inquisitive and creative preschooler!  Sure, he would ask why some things happened, but not in excess.  Well, I am here to tell you that now, three months shy of 5, this child can ask "why?" just about anything is.

"Mommy, why did God make houses?"

"Mommy, why are there good guys and bad guys?"

"Mommy, why do we use blood?"  (That was an especially tricky one.)

"Mommy, why is Batman a good guy?"

"Mommy, why is there grass and trees and bushes?"

"Mommy, why is Megatron bad?"

I can't even begin to recount all the why's we've heard lately! These above probably came in the span of about 5 minutes one day.  I love that he's curious and I want to foster that, but sometimes I just don't have all the answers.  He calls me on it too.  If I say "I don't know, Justus."  He says, "But you HAVE to know." 

Really?  Why?

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