Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Kidd!!

I know, normally, I write about the kids, so what's this all about?  Well, if it weren't for the birthday boy I wouldn't have the kids, so we are straying for a bit today to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the special guy in our life.  Plus, don't you get tired of hearing about the kids?  Never mind, don't answer that.  Ideally, there would be a picture of him inserted here.  He wasn't interested in posing this morning though, so you get nothing.  I know, a post all about him and not one picture of him.  You can see him on the side. 

What, you ask, do we do for our most favorite man?  Well, we start with some Birthday Cake Pancakes!

I would like to say I made them from scratch (per the Pinterest recipe), but it was 4:45 a.m., people!  I have limitations.  It still worked just fine.

 For reference, I recommend adding sprinkles to the batter, but also sprinkling some once you pour it in pan.  They bleed a bit in the batter.

 The glaze.  Same story with the sprinkles, but they don't bleed as badly.

Ready to serve.  I failed on the candle thing.  Thought we had some, but I couldn't find them.  It's okay, 38 wouldn't have fit anyway, right?

Who wouldn't want to see this face bringing a gift early on birthday morning?

Mommy, that flash is WAY too bright this early in the morning!
(totally saving this picture for blackmail later)

Now I'm awake and ready to play with the wrapping.

 Justus got to share in the pankcake breakfast in bed.  Delaney did too, but only a few bites.

  Kidd did as much damages has he could, but that was a LOT of pancake.  Note to potential birthday cake pancake makers: once that glaze sets up, you could construct buildings with that stuff!  It's like a rock.

All in all, a successful birthday surprise breakfast.  Justus was very curious about how old Daddy is today, and engaged in a lovely discussion comparing his age to that of all his friends and teachers.  He made the determination that Kidd is older than everyone!  So, sorry to Grandma, Grandpa, G-Daddy, Darla, Uncle David and Uncle Jason.  We sold y'all out as being older.  Kristin, I totally kept your secret.  ;-)

We love you and hope you have the best birthday!!

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