Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday's Winning Words

I love musicals.  Therefore, I obviously love showtunes.  Imagine my excitement when I started to realize that Justus happens to share this love with me.  Now, I know what you are thinking--Dad must be terrified that his son loves showtunes.  On the contrary, Kidd is okay with it.  For now.  In this child's short life, we have received repeated backseat requests for "One Short Day" from Wicked, "Masquerade" from Phantom of the Opera,  "Phantom of the Opera" from same, and just about any Disney song (yep, we'll count them too).  Lately, Lion King has been a big deal thanks to the release of the DVD and re-release of the movie in theaters (read as: Disney's genius method of regurgitating the new oldies). Justus has been singing Lion King songs around the house for a week or so now.

Monday, on the way to school, Justus asked if we could hear "Hakuna Matata."  Since I'd rather him walk into school singing that than the lastest Lady Gaga song he might hear over the radio, I willingly obliged.  Plus, as mentioned at the outset- I LOVE musicals, and what better way to start off a Monday morning than with a song that means "No Worries"?  We get the song going and Justus starts singing the fun way any 4-year old does.  Although I'm not sure exactly what words he's singing, I happily chime in with the actual words.  It only took a few bars before Justus stops and says "Mommy, can we just listen?" 

Now, I know that I am not qualified to be a Broadway songstress, but really, am I that bad?

Heart. Break.

Putting back together the pieces of my fragile ego that was just shattered by a 4-year-old, I muster a "sure, buddy" and we *happily* listen to the stupid song that says it means "no worries."  Whatever.

I get over it by the time we arrive at school.  It is, after all, a charming song that really does put you in a good mood, even if you are prohibited from singing along.

I guess I'll just have to reserve my own sing-a-longs for when I'm alone in the car.  Maybe one day, his sister will appreciate the opportunity to duet with me...

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