Friday, October 21, 2011

Silly moments

The other day after work/school, in an attempt to keep up with my ever-expanding "to do" list, I hauled the fam out to the front yard to take pictures of Delaney for her birthday invitations (don't even get me started on how sad this makes me to even think about!).  As usual, we asked Justus to dance, sing, hop around, whatever it takes, to make Delaney smile.  He was only marginally successful, as the attraction of grass to her and opportunity to run and play to him both proved to be too great to overcome.  Nonetheless, we got a few good useable pictures for the invite.  They will be shared in a later post, I'm sure.  As we finished up, I started taking some pictures of Justus because he was being so silly, and we just don't have enough pictures of all the silly moments of everyday life.  And this boy KNOWS how to be silly!  See for yourself:

I have no explanation for this move, but I assure you, it had nothing to do with the previously mentioned showtune appreciation.

I asked him to give me his best Big Brother face.

I try to be good about snapping pics of the firsts, major milestones, life events, holidays, organized activities, etc. but I'm not the best about remembering to bring my camera along for the little moments (mostly because my camera is kind of bulky, but that's a pretty crappy excuse).  As a result, we don't take as many pictures of Justus anymore.  He's been through many of his firsts and several major milestones, been to holidays, etc.   Blogging and all the picture taking of his sister have reminded me that if I'm not careful, I'll end up with about 5 pictures of him each year:  First day of school, last day of school, halloween costume, Christmas card, and maybe a sporting event of some kind.  Not sufficient.  Must do better.  I think I'm off to a good start....

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