Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday's Winning Words

In Justus' class at school, they are focusing on a letter each week.  As part of that, they are encouraged to come up with words that start with the special letter.  This week's letter is F.

At the dinner table the other night, I was asking Justus what words start with the letter F.  He said "fall"..."falcon"...."fink"...

Me: Wait, what was that last one?
J: "Fink"

Having been in the situation before where I thought "surely, he didn't just say that" I paused before responding with my initial thought of "How do you possibly know what a fink is?"  Perhaps the quizzical look on my face gave me away, because then he clarified on his own:

 "You know Mommy, like when you are finking (as he points to his head) about what you want to eat for dinner, or finking about what you did that made you have to sit out..."

Thus began the difficult conversation of the "th" sound.  Glad I'm not a pre-k teacher. 

In retrospect, a conversation about "F" words could have gone a lot worse.

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