Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween (and a late WWW)

I got to spend a wonderful five days with the family in College Station to celebrate Kidd's birthday and for some work training.  What a treat!  Tuesday night, we went to a Halloween party and I got to see the kids in their costumes, which was nice since I'm not getting to trick or treat with them tonight.  So, I bring you my version of Halloween 2013.  Presenting Minnie Mouse and Power Ranger Mega Force.

In other news that I didn't get to post last night because I got back late and was dog tired--  a Wednesday's Winning Words:

Like most parents, I sing to my kids.  And like most kids, they tolerate it.  Mine are still young enough to let me most of the time, even ask for it.  Amazing Grace is a song I have always sung to them (who doesn't?).  Well, now that Delaney really knows her middle name is Grace, she is absolutely certain the song is about her so she requests is almost every night.  By itself, I find this adorable.  To top it off, the other night when I was putting the kids to bed, when Delaney asked me to sing it, Justus chimed in with "...and then can you sing Amazing Hayden?"  Poor kid wants a song about him too.  Oh, how I wish in that moment I had more of a creative spirit so that I could have impromptu come up with a tune and lyrics to satisfy his request.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday's Winning Words: The cure for temper tantrums

I am not even kidding, y'all, I have found. the. cure.  I have a guaranteed method for bringing 2 year olds and 6 year olds alike, out of a full-blown, mid-scream, tears-down-the-face, I-hate-the-world-when-I-don't-get-my-way temper tantrum.  It's 5 simple words:  "What does the fox say?"

I don't know if you have heard that song, What Does the Fox Say?  but if you have not, you MUST immediately drop everything and check it out.  If you have small children, have them watch with you.  It is awesomely bad to adults, but once a kid hears it, it is kryptonite to the common temper tantrum.  Now, to be truly effective mid-hissy fit, you must say it loudly, in the rhythm of the "music" and then be prepared to say what the band says the fox might say (or some variation thereof).  Because, well, that's the best part to a child.  Silly dancing helps too, but that should come as no surprise.

You are welcome.

If, by chance, you are as enraptured by this Swedish group and want to hear more, like a certain part-Swedish person I know and happened to be married to, a great deal of entertainment (although NOT for kids) was derived from Meaning of Stonehenge.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday's Winning Words: Relocation Edition

As you know by now, we are moving.  So, we have spent quite a bit of time trying to prep the kids for it, even though they aren't really going permanently for a few more months.  Justus has his days--sometimes there are tears and sometimes there are cheers.  We're working on getting him excited about it.  Lately, he's asked a lot about the school mascot and sports teams.  When I went last week, he asked me to pick him up a few things because,

"I'm excited about becoming a Hyena, mommy!!"

He LOVED his hat and pennant, but I just need him to remember they are the Javelinas, not the Hyenas (they sound the same to a 6 year old).  I'm giving him a break.  He's only known the Aggies and Tigers until now. 
And, as for Delaney....she thinks we are moving to "KingsBell."  It's really precious to hear her say it.  I've corrected her once or twice, but not too much because I love the way she says it.