Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

I swear, after this week is over (and I get pictures from Shanon, *ahem*) I will do a post recapping Princess's birthday party.  But, for today, this will have to suffice.

Last night, we had soup for dinner and I am trying to use up plastic wear that we had left over from the party, so I pulled down the bag with the utensils from Saturday.  Delaney was standing there and as I pulled out the pink spoons, she pointed to them and started saying singing:

"Happy Day to Me!" 
"Happy Day to Me!" 
"Happy Day to Me!"
"Happy Day to Me!"
"Happy Day to Me!"
"Happy Day to Me!"
I guess she liked her party. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

She's TWO!!

Can this be real?
Can this child really already be TWO YEARS OLD?
We go to see the good Dr. H. tomorrow, so we will have official stats then.  You are still a bit on the petite side though, I think.  You are mostly wearing a size 6 shoe, although you can still wear some of your 5s. You  wear a 2T top (to fit around that belly!), but still need an 18-24 month bottom for the most part .  I bought you several winter wear items in a 2T, and I don't know when you will get to wear them.  My luck--you'll fit into them around March or April.  Yikes!
Your vocabulary is exploding, which is so much fun.  You love to parrot what we say (note to self--watch the language!), and most recently, you have started "HO HO HO"ing every time you see a Santa Clause.  Super cute.  You even added the "Meerrry Christmas" to it yesterday. 
It's a good thing your vocabulary is really coming along because, girl, those temper tantrums....already....just wow.  You get very upset.  And you get angry.  And you throw things and hit.  Hard.  You do a good job of fooling people with that precious face and those beautiful curls, but when you get mad...watch out!  Right now, the fits take the shape of throwing yourself on the floor face down or going to a wall and putting your face into it and crying.  We let you work it out and come around, but when we are doing something with you (changing clothes, diaper, picking you up to move), you really let loose.  In the vein of having fits, you seem to have a love/hate relationship with "No."  You love to say it, but hate to hear it.  Typical, but we must work on that.
Your eating habits have changed.  First, you have rejected your high chair completely, at least until we took the tray off and started pulling you up to the table like the rest of us.  You can live with it for now.  No worries, a booster seat literally in the mail and on its way.  You also don't seem to be interested in eating many of the foods you once loved.  This is a bit of a challenge because I never know what you are going to eat and what you aren't.  I can pretty much count on you eating blueberries, grapes, broccoli, cheese and pasta.  Everything else is just the luck of the draw.  I worry sometimes that you don't get enough to eat at a meal, but all evidence to the contrary.  I'm not sure why, but you have decided you want a grown up to put the food on the fork and then you would like to get the fork to your mouth.  If you don't have success with this, you go straight to using your hands again.   I don't know what is up with this process, but I hope you get it worked out soon because, frankly, I would like to eat too.  Bite for Delaney, Bite for Mommy gets tiresome. 
You are such a loving child (despite aforementioned tantrums), and I adore that you still let me rock you and snuggle with you so often.  I just can't get enough of all that preciousness.  My heart smiles (and also breaks a little) when I notice all your growth and how very much you want to do everything your big brother does.  I know in your head, you are certain you two are the same age.  You adore everything about him, except when he doesn't let you play with a certain toy you have your eye on or takes away the one you are playing with, even if just to "show" you something. 

You have an inner light that is so beautiful and felt by all around you.  You are more reserved than your brother and I (which will probably serve you well in the future), but still warm and friendly.  You are one very tough little girl! We joke that you are kind of the bull in the china closet of life because you approach everything with a bit of reckless charge, but we see that as a strength that wil serve you well as you are faced with the many challenges that life has to offer.  As a careful planner, it makes me nervous to think of parenting this trait, since it's so opposite of me, but we will figure it out together.  Delaney, when you came into this world two years ago, we could never have imagined how much you would bring to our lives, although we were quite excited to find out.  Children test the boundaries of our heart-- and, you my dear, make mine swell every day with love and happiness, beyond what I ever knew I had the capacity to have.  We are so blessed by you and honored that we were chosen to be your parents.  We love you more than you will ever know.





Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words: Picket Fence

Picket Fence Teeth, that is.
That's right, the FIRST TOOTH!

Justus was so excited, and has been talking for days about this first tooth coming out.  It's been loose for some time.  The one right next to it is loose too, but that's only almost as exciting.  This morning (since I was gone last night), he tells me The Story of How it Happened.
Justus:  Mommy, I was at lunch and was eating my orange skin...
Me:  Wait, why were you eating the orange skin?  You know that's not to eat.
J:  Well, because I wanted my tooth to come out.
M:  Oh, ok.  So you've just been going around chewing on hard things the past couple of days in effort to get that tooth out {reflecting on the fact that I noticed he packed a fruit roll up for his snack on Monday}?
J:  Uh huh.  THEN, when it came out, I went to the nurses office and she put it in a special case, and took my picture for the tooth wall, and was really excited for me too! (Kudos to the school for making a big deal over lost teeth!)
It was precious how excited he was.  So, the picket fence teeth begin in the Royal household and we have one very excited little boy.  Thanks for the input on Tooth Fairy's current payout, Facebook friends!  Some of you have a VERY generous Tooth Fairy.  We settled on a note from the tooth fairy, sugar free chewing gum, and $5.  First tooth only, the rest will each earn $1 gold coin.

*  For those that can't see the picture enlarged, the note from the tooth fairy says:
"While you were sleeping, I came in the night.
Under your pillow was a marvelous sight.
Your very first tooth had come unstuck.
Keep it forever, it will bring you good luck."
Thank you, Pinterest.

Monday, November 26, 2012

My holiday heart, in pictures

**At the risk of ruining the excitement over receiving a Christmas card from the Royals with some adorable new pics of those kiddos, I had to share the following.  So, close this now, and never look back (well, at elast until after you get our card), if you are determined not to ruin the surprise.  Otherwise, drudge ahead and enjoy!**
Y'all know how crazy I go when I get pictures from Sarah, right?  I mean seriously, she captures my whole heart's happiness with her talent and a camera.  Every time I get new pictures from her, I think "These are the best we've done!"  Maybe it's more about the kids--just growing more and more in love with them all the time, as though that's possible.  But, I think it definitely has to do with Sarah and her magic, too.  I've seen the way this goes in the heat of the moment, and I just don't know how she does it.
The process goes like this:  Make appointment way in advance for shoot.  Swear to have organized assistance in setting up some fabulous "sets" from more creative friends than myself.  Mention it casually to said friend, then fail miserably to follow through.  Realize shoot date is much closer than realized, and there's no time to impose on friends or anyone else to throw this together.  Do the best I can to coordinate clothes, at the very least.  Meet Sarah, and do child wrangling/entertaining/clothes changing/disciplining for 2 hours while she works her magic.  Somewhere in the middle of that, resign to the fact that it was just a waste of everyone's time because she couldn't possibly have gotten any decent pictures with the way we were all acting, the wind was blowing, etc... 
And then this happens:

 When did they get so grown up??? 
Between them looking so old and me knowing the quality of newborn pics Sarah can turn out, it ALMOST makes me want another.  Almost.

We have done a picture similar to this at every shoot we do, and I just adore looking and comparing them to each other over time.

 Sass Times Two!  I think we are in serious trouble.

 And a little love for me and my Aggie friends!
'Tis the season, right?!  Gig'em!

**Sarah is dealing with a family medical situation, and managed to turn these out super fast in the midst of that so we could send out Christmas cards.  She is amazing and we could not be more thankful for her!  Prayers going up for sweet Abbey!**

Thanksgiving Round-Up

Wow!  What a wonderful Thanksgiving week we had.  I say week because although the actual day was awesome itself, we had several different events on different days that were just as special to us!  We had a Kindergarten Program on Tuesday with Justus, where he and his friends sang several songs about giving thanks that just melted my heart.  I have a video of one of the songs, but the quality is not good.  Similarly, my "good" camera and I are having a fight, so I only have a picture or two that came out.  You can spot him smack dab in the middle of the first one, looking at me.  I like the second one because it gets most of his class on the right side of the pic.  He's in the third row from the top, 4th from the right.    It was really, really adorable to see him participating in this.  The day before this event, the Kindergarterners went to a local senior living community and put on the same program.  He had a blast doing that!

Then, on Wednesday, we scooted over to Delaney's daycare, which hosted a fabulous Thanksgiving Feast where we all brought sides and desserts while they provided the turkey, dressing, and gravy.  In the words of Rachel Ray--Yum-O!!  I did NOT want to go back to work after that.  Technically, I didn't have to (we were given a noon release for those leaving town), but there was still work to be done so I did (see--I'm being a good steward of your tax dollars, Texas residents.  You're welcome!).  I only managed to get this one shot of Delaney and Kidd before the feast began, but there was plenty of entertainment.  I was just already shoveling it in by then.  The two oldest classes sang a few songs and told us what they were thankful for.  Sooo sweet!

That evening, we headed to SA to see my family, which was great, as always.  This is us after lunch.  Everybody smiling.  Except Kidd and Delaney.  Have I mentioned that she is his child, in EVERY way?!

It shouldn't be this way, but I'm pretty sure this is the second consecutive year this type of picture has been able to be taken.  Swimming.  On Thanksgiving Day.  This is not right (but was still kind of awesome).

Delaney and Darla had fun with sparkly shoes.  This is not surprising.  There will be more of this in Delaney's future, I have no doubt.  If she could only see and appreciate Darla's closet--it's like Mecca to shoe lovers.

Saturday, we had a wonderful lunch with Kidd's family.  Apparently, I was so busy eating, taking pictures never even crossed my mind.  Sorry (and yet, not altogether surprising)!  That night, we had a few friends over to watch the Aggies snap their 3-game losing streak to Mizzou, while Johnny Football made his last argument for the Heisman.  Again--fabulous!  For some, there was something more entertaining than the game, though.  Delaney had all kinds of fun with Ms. Tish, Ms. Glenda, and Ms. Sheila, while Justus and Tish's son, Carlos, ran off and played all evening.

 Sunday was an uneventful, yet productive day.  We I got up in the attic and got down the Christmas decorations and put them out.  The only thing left is the tree, which will require Kidd's assistance.  He is not thrilled about this, so I must approach the issue at a time likely to result in a favorable response.  I'm thinking after he's had a couple of drinks.  Don't worry--I'm still the one getting up in the attic.  I just need someone to wait at the bottom for falling tree parts.  Our house lights are going up today (thanks to professional assistance)!  We even went to Toys R Us yesterday and let the kids create a wish list.  I know it's very commercial, but grandparents and other people LOVE having a list to choose from when they don't know what your kids want.  Plus, they both have birthdays right around Christmas, so it's all there.  Don't judge--it's a fantastic idea. I think we should all be able to create registries at our favorite stores...and more than just for wedding and baby showers.  I just wish they had it at Target because I kind of hate our local TRU.  Shhhh, don't tell the kids. 

Work is so busy right now, and is about to get even crazier, so there are no words to express how thankful I am for such a wonderful long weekend to reflect on the many blessings I have been given.  I hope that you and yours had as great of a time, and may that warm heart feeling carry you through this very busy holiday season.  CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!

**This post has already been too long, so I will do a separate one for the rest of what I want to share with you.  Just a hint--Sarah Giles, of Butterfly Chaser Photography, has been busy with our kiddos and you know what that means--gorgeous PICTURES that I can't help but share...even at the risk of ruining Christmas cards for some**

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

We are super fortunate to have Miss Shanon who, on most days, picks up Delaney and gets her home for me.  This leaves only Justus for me to pick up.  Less rush = happy mom!  On Mondays, Shanon helps out another awesome family, so I get both kids.  It's the least I can do, right?  As such, Delaney goes with me to get Justus from his after school program.  The girl counselors at Kids Klub are In. Love. with Delaney.  They get so excited to see her coming.  On Monday, Miss Heather was hugging on her and jokingsly asked Justus if she could take Delaney home for Thanksgiving for a few days.  Justus dutifully denied her request, noting that Delaney was his sister and she needed to come with us.

Yesterday, when I went to pick him up, he asked me if Delaney was with me.  I told him no, that Miss Shanon was bringing her home, and he says "But Mommy, she's going to go home with Miss Heather for Thanksgiving.  You need to go get her!"
So much for brotherly love.
We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!!  I am thankful for each of you and for the opportunity to share our family's stories with you.  Many, many blessings!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words: Manners

We are from the South.  A few things are critically important to our existence as good Southerners:  having good sweet tea, supporting high school and college football, and teaching our kids to use good manners.  Ok, maybe a few other things too, but this is a pretty good list.  Delaney is almost two now (Literally.  In three weeks.  I still can't believe it!), so we have been working on the manners part.  Never too young to start, right?  She is totally good with Please ("Peas) and Thank You ("tank you, mama") and generally even uses them at the appropriate times on her own.  So, we're moving on.  Of course, with her being almost two, we have hit the bumpy road of "NO!" and "MINE!"  I definitely don't do everything right in the life of parenting, but I try to model the desired behavior as often as possible.  So, we've been saying "No, Ma'am" to Delaney when she does something she's not supposed to or gets into something she should be leaving alone.  We believe in encouraging the use of "ma'am" and "sir" when talking to grown ups.

As a result, when she doesn't like something I'm doing or is feeling particularly argumentative, she now says (very assertively), "NO, ma'am, Mommy!"  At least she's polite about it, right?!

What I love most is when she says "No, ma'am, Daddy" or "No, ma'am, Buzz"....and the list goes on.  We haven't quite moved on to distinguishing "ma'am" and "sir".  Baby steps.  She will be a great Southern Belle, one day!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words: Election Edition

In the spirit of the election, and an effort to benefit from a teaching moment with my son, last night on the way home from our daycare's super fun Fall Fest, I talked to him about the election and that it was the day all the votes were to be counted, etc.  It went a little something like this:

J:  I voted for 'Okabama' (not even kidding) today!
Me:  Really, how come?
J:  Because he's probably going to win.
Me:  Insert not-too-long, yet meaningful (or so I thought) explanation about how the majority concept works and how voting for someone just because you think they are going to win anyway is not such a fantastic idea, how it stifles change, etc...
J:  Who did you vote for, Mommy?
Me:  I told him.
J:  Well, I vote for whoever you vote for because you are pretty smart.

{Flattered}  I talked with him about how we hope to raise him with the same ideals that we have, yet when he gets older and can get all the information possible, he should choose who he wants to win elections, based on that research and not just based on what we do.  I think too often, we aim to perpetuate our opinions and beliefs through our children.  Although I would love it if our children come to the same conclusions we have about what we want for ourselves, I expect them to question all along the way and not just accept status quo because it's what they know.  I hope that they search for and find their own ideals that shape their participation in our wonderful democratic process.  I am certain it will make parenting more difficult--encouraging them to question and challenge the establishment--but I think they will be more fulfilled individuals for having done so.  Ultimately, isn't that our goal as parents?  To raise free thinkers and positive contributing members of society.

It was kind of a deep teaching moment about our democratic process, and I can't say that it will stick with him, but it was a moment in which I realized more about myself and the way I choose to parent.  I really do want more for my kids, than to just do things the way I want them done.  But, please don't tell them that just yet...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dear Politicians: An Open Letter

Dear Politicians,

I know you have a pretty big day today, and you probably aren't reading my tiny little family-driven blog anyway.  But, on this election day, I felt the need to reach out to you (and a side note--if you read more tiny little family-driven blogs, you may have a better understanding of what the American people really want and need).   I just want to say good luck to all of you.  Not just today, but every day from now on.  Whether you win or lose today--because really, even if you lose, you probably aren't leaving the politics limelight-- you have a responsibility to the American citizens.  See, you've chosen to put your name in the hat to run our country, state, city, county, or whatever governmental subset you can think of.  In my mind, that means you think you are qualified.  Here's the thing about me--I really don't like politics.  I have temporarily cut off many Facebook friends because I don't care to read their commentary, I delete political messages on my phone, I toss out most paid political advertising without even looking at it...  Don't get me wrong--I could not be more grateful to live in a country where we are afforded the opportunity to vote our conscience and have a hand in picking our governmental leaders.  Yet, I get completely beat down by the whole campaigning process (which seems to be lengthier with each passing election) because everyone is talking out of both sides of their mouth.  Something with our system is broken, and I'm begging you to fix it.  I admit that I don't follow all the debates and listen to all the speeches.  I don't because it has become overwhelming to the average consumer.  What good does it do to listen to the debates, get excited about ideas, and then hear the fact checkers tear both sides apart the very next day?  It is beyond frustrating.  Here is what I know:  social security will probably be in the toilet by the time I'm old enough to collect it, yet I pay into it every month;  there's a health care plan out there that some people think is awesome, and others despise;  the jobless rate either sucks or is awesome depending on who you ask; oh, and we are WAY in debt, yet we had one piece of government holding the other hostage over a deadline to balance the budget.  I find it impossible to believe that either "side" is completely right while the other completely wrong.  I am tired of you fighting for the sake of fighting or the sake of being right.  Why can't you get together and fix our great nation???  It's called "cooperation."  And why do I suddenly feel like I'm talking to small children?

Speaking of small children....I have a couple of them.  That's really my motivation, here.  See, I have two of the most beautiful young children you've ever seen (ok, so maybe I'm a tad biased), but the point is I don't want them to be saddled with the burden of fixing the country that we leave to them in a mess.  I want it handed to them in good condition.  You know the concept--leave things better than you found them.  Frankly, given the rate at which school funding is being cut, they may not be well-educated enough to fix the country.  If I won't be able to collect from social security, what hope of a retirement system is there for them?  We have all of this fantastic technology that our parents and grandparents could not even imagine, yet we are not able to fix some of our most basic general systems of operation.  I want my kids to have the same pride in this country that I was raised to have, and I know the responsibility of instilling that pride lies within our family.  We make every effort to celebrate all the joys and freedoms of American citizenship with our children, and we pray for our "armies that keep us safe" every night, but sometimes you make it very hard to convey  all the great qualities of life as an American.  I took my children with me to vote, both out of necessity and so at least the older one could see the process.  We talked about what I was doing the whole time.  I want them to understand and feel the privilege that I feel in exercising this right.  At five, my son may not get all that, but what he does understand is that there are always winners and losers, and that even if you lose, you must still support the greater goal.  I accept this as a difficult lesson in the life of a kindergarterner, but I expect and, truthfully demand, more from you.  Of course we have different opinions about what is best, and we all think we are right.  But, it would be devastating to think that hateful, self-righteous, and indignant beliefs could be the undoing of all our history of great successes.

I am proud to be an American, and am thankful to all who have gone before that worked tirelessly and cooperatively to make this country what it is.   So, please for the love of this amazing nation, set enough of your partisanship aside to work together to improve the quality of life for Americans.   Regardless of who wins today.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Recovery

We survived!  A fun few days of Halloween goodness and we are into November.  Whoo hoo!  So, here's the recap of all the Halloween goodness.

We went to the MSC's Halloween party for faculty and staff kiddos.  Super Fun!  There was even a haunted house, which Justus went through with his friend, Radley.  On the way home, Justus said "Mom, can you believe Radley went through the haunted house again?!?!"  Way to go, Radley!  Justus was impressed!  Needless to say, Delaney did not do the haunted house.   It was a great time, overall and we are always up for more opportunities to wear the costumes!  Bonus:  They had early voting at the MSC and the polls were open until 8:00.  Civic duty-check.  Making the day of the poll workers by coming to vote with the cutest ninja and geisha ninja princess around--double check.

Yesterday morning was the Kindergarten Halloween Party at Justus' school.  Wow, they go all out for this.  I signed up to help, which was a great opportunity to meet some of the other Kinder parents and watch the kiddos at a fun event.  Yes, volunteering at the kid's school is where woking mommy guilt really sets in for me (especially now that my office is no longer 2 minutes down the road.  Ugh!).  We have A LOT of SAHM's at Pebble Creek.  I am so thankful for them because I don't feel compelled to do everything, out of fear that if I don't it won't get done.  BUT, I still want to do things as my work schedule allows because Justus LOVES it when I'm there.  See!

It was so much fun.  They had games, food, sensory boxes (remember these--dark rooms with boxes of spaghetti brains, hot dogs fingers, jello guts, etc.), crafts and more.  The kids loved it!  I just worried about the teachers when we sent them back to the rooms.  I would not want to be responsible for keeping them calm for the next two hours after that craziness.

After a quick dinner and change of clothes, we were ready to hit the streets for trick-or-treating!  Now, we live in a neighborhood that is frequented by non-residents.  I mean, the parking lot at Justus' school is completely full and the houses right along there are hammered by visiting trick-or-treaters.  The major thoroughfares have cars parked all along them too.  You get the idea.  I'm so mad I didn't get a picture of this, but this year we had a first-- A BUS!  I'm not even kidding!  A chartered bus rolled into the hood and dumped out kids.  Really???  I know it's part of living where we do, and I welcome visitors, but there are several local business and community events for people to attend that don't involve the need to charter a bus to another neighborhood.  Just sayin'.

Before you judge our transportation (now that I've criticized the bus riders), I want to note that we have small children.  They go and go and go until they cannot go anymore and then they are too tired to walk five more steps and want to be carried.  So, after Justus' first trick or treating adventure, we learned that the best way is with some motorized assistance...

So, here we are--onto the golf cart and ready to go!

Show me your best smile to get the good candy?

  When we had trick-or-treated ourselves out, we went back to our street where our neighbors all congregate and hang out.  PS--I love that we have taken to having block parties on Halloween!  Justus went to play with the "big kids," but Delaney hung out with us...and insisted on driving the golf cart.  She kept crawling into Kidd's lap while we were going before this and got a little steering practice.  She's hooked!
"me drive"


Show us your loot?
The kids had a great time, and got lots of compliments on costumes.  We even trick-or-treated at Justus' teacher's house, which he thought was the coolest thing ever!  I admit that I have never really been a big fan of Halloween--I loathe putting wearing costumes-- but now that we have kids, I thoroughly enjoy it.  Small children in precious costumes is about as good for your heart as it gets.  They are all sooo cute!  We hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

Today's post (and now that I think about it, I may have to do this more often) comes from complete strangers.  It was too good to not share. 

Sunday morning, we were picking pumpkins for our carving and this happened:

A sweet family was picking out theirs too, and were obviouly motivated by something completely different.   No judgement here.  They were walking around and their son (maybe 3-4) asked "How do I know which one to get, Mommy and Daddy?" He was very excited.  It was obviously his first time to pick out a pumpkin.  Mommy said "Well, just pick the one that you think has the most seeds."  Much like myself, the boy had a confused look on his face.    But unlike me, the poor child tried, in earnest in an attempt to respond to his Mom's asinine comment, to identify such a pumpkin.  Mommy continues to walk around the pumpkins and contemplates out loud, "I wish they had stickers on them that said "This pumpkin has this many seeds inside." 

Remember that old comedy/country song--"Here's your sign."  In moments like that, I wish I had one to give...

In other news....

**The flash on my phone gets Delaney every time.  This was the best after about 4 attempts...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Carving Fool

As you may recall from my cell phone clean out post, I am not a pumpkin carver.  Or at least I wasn't.  Until there was a competition involved.  And a little boy who desperately wanted to carve a pumpkin.  So, over the weekend, we bought ourselves some pumpkins and got after it in the name and spirit of all things Halloween.

Before we got started, Justus got to use his new Mr. Potato head pumpkin decorating kit (thanks Fattig Family)!  He LOVES these things....and we love them too.  Simple. Fun. Clean.

We bought several pumpkins, in anticipation of errors and the need to start over--which never happened.  YAY!  Except now I have two uncarved pumpkins that are just asking to be carved...
So, Justus picked out a bat design that he wanted.  Daddy decapitated the pumpkin and we made Justus clean out the insides.  He was not too keen on this.  But, it's a pumpkin carving must, and if you want a pumpkin carved, you have to clean it.  Look what a good sport he's being!

Then I went to work.  Because, let's be honest, the 5-year-old who desperately wanted to carve a pumpkin does NOT have the patience to actually carve the pumpkin.  He watched some and played some and then appropriately ooohed and aaahed when it was done. He was ecstatic about his, especially once we turned off the lights and he saw it with the light inside.  It went immediately to live on our front porch with our other pumpkin decorations.

Our office is having a carving contest this week and if you wanted to participate, you were to just show up with the pumpkin already carved.  So, here's my entry.  It probably won't win any spectacular prizes, but I was very pleased with myself for doing it because my artistic skill, if I have any, is not in carving, drawing, coloring, sculpting, etc.  I'm more of a music girl.  So, this was a big accomplishment for me!

I'm pretty sure our little experiment made me an annual pumpkin carver!  Looking forward to doing this annually...especially when the kiddos can do their own too.  We may even save the seeds and toast them next time...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday's Winning MAKEOVER!

Ok, so I know it doesn't have the same ring to it as Wednesday's Winning Words, but check out this re-do of my blog!!  Isn't it fun?  I feel like I can outwardly express how pleased I am with it because I didn't do it.

So, in lieu of some random humorous remarks by one of the kids, today I introduce you to my new love.  Super big THANKS to Becca at Jumping Jax Designs (and to Katy King for recommending her services)!!  I adore it and hope you do too.

I feel obligated to create a bounty of new posts that are worthy of this beautiful new design....but don't hold your breath.  As always, one step at a time!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cell phone clean out- October edition

It's been awhile since I've done one of these, so here we go...

Delaney had her first school pictures at daycare without Justus. Sorry for the glare, this is me taking a cell phone pic of the actual picture.  P.S.--the one on your right is her polite "stranger danger" face.  Quiet, pensive, fiddling with her hands.  I'm pretty certain that what is happening here is the unknown-to-her photographer jumping up and down trying to make her smile and she's not having it.  Chances are someone she knows was at least in the vicinity for the pic on the left.  This is why we are so grateful for Sarah and the quality of picture she can get.
Then, the poor child was sick for a whole week with a virus and pneumonia.  I could have taken this same picture at any point during that week.  She did little else.  Just broke my heart.
Candy Corn is my October obsession.  Not that I need one for each month, but I actually crave this stuff in October.  It's ridiculous.  And just for the record--no, I don't eat the Easter candy corn that comes out.  Fall candy corn is the only real deal.
Earlier in October, I had to say goodbye (from work only) to one of my favorite staff people ever.  And wouldn't you know I managed to get a picture of the cake, but not of the two of us?!?!  Missing my Tish, but I know she is L.O.V.I.N.G. her new opportunity and I couldn't be more excited for her.

This one was attacked by a tub of Eucerin skin cream last Tuesday, which resulted in this lovely black eye!  She doesn't seem too bothered by it.  In other news, she now knows the aTm (and the color maroon) as indication of "Aggie" and LOVES to point it out on shirts, cars, flags, etc.  That's my girl! 

We hit the pumpkin patch yesterday afternoon.  Can you tell how excited he is to be there?  Admittedly, it was a balmy 90 degrees and very sunny (hence the hand covering his eyes from the sun), so he just wanted to get his pumpkin and get the heck out.  Note that we are short one child here?  Yes, well, you will have to trust me that D was all dressed up for the occasion, as she was sound asleep in dad's truck by the time we got to the patch.  Not a total loss for her--Justus picked her a little pumpkin too.

So, yeah, we're those people--we don't carve pumpkins.  At least not yet.  Not until the kids are a bit older.  And can clean up the mess.  Justus found this Darth Vader pumpkin decorating kit at Target and was super excited about it, so we went with it.  He is so proud of it!!  That's what matters, right?
Not super exciting, I know, but stay tuned...big new things ahead!