Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words: Election Edition

In the spirit of the election, and an effort to benefit from a teaching moment with my son, last night on the way home from our daycare's super fun Fall Fest, I talked to him about the election and that it was the day all the votes were to be counted, etc.  It went a little something like this:

J:  I voted for 'Okabama' (not even kidding) today!
Me:  Really, how come?
J:  Because he's probably going to win.
Me:  Insert not-too-long, yet meaningful (or so I thought) explanation about how the majority concept works and how voting for someone just because you think they are going to win anyway is not such a fantastic idea, how it stifles change, etc...
J:  Who did you vote for, Mommy?
Me:  I told him.
J:  Well, I vote for whoever you vote for because you are pretty smart.

{Flattered}  I talked with him about how we hope to raise him with the same ideals that we have, yet when he gets older and can get all the information possible, he should choose who he wants to win elections, based on that research and not just based on what we do.  I think too often, we aim to perpetuate our opinions and beliefs through our children.  Although I would love it if our children come to the same conclusions we have about what we want for ourselves, I expect them to question all along the way and not just accept status quo because it's what they know.  I hope that they search for and find their own ideals that shape their participation in our wonderful democratic process.  I am certain it will make parenting more difficult--encouraging them to question and challenge the establishment--but I think they will be more fulfilled individuals for having done so.  Ultimately, isn't that our goal as parents?  To raise free thinkers and positive contributing members of society.

It was kind of a deep teaching moment about our democratic process, and I can't say that it will stick with him, but it was a moment in which I realized more about myself and the way I choose to parent.  I really do want more for my kids, than to just do things the way I want them done.  But, please don't tell them that just yet...

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