Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Recovery

We survived!  A fun few days of Halloween goodness and we are into November.  Whoo hoo!  So, here's the recap of all the Halloween goodness.

We went to the MSC's Halloween party for faculty and staff kiddos.  Super Fun!  There was even a haunted house, which Justus went through with his friend, Radley.  On the way home, Justus said "Mom, can you believe Radley went through the haunted house again?!?!"  Way to go, Radley!  Justus was impressed!  Needless to say, Delaney did not do the haunted house.   It was a great time, overall and we are always up for more opportunities to wear the costumes!  Bonus:  They had early voting at the MSC and the polls were open until 8:00.  Civic duty-check.  Making the day of the poll workers by coming to vote with the cutest ninja and geisha ninja princess around--double check.

Yesterday morning was the Kindergarten Halloween Party at Justus' school.  Wow, they go all out for this.  I signed up to help, which was a great opportunity to meet some of the other Kinder parents and watch the kiddos at a fun event.  Yes, volunteering at the kid's school is where woking mommy guilt really sets in for me (especially now that my office is no longer 2 minutes down the road.  Ugh!).  We have A LOT of SAHM's at Pebble Creek.  I am so thankful for them because I don't feel compelled to do everything, out of fear that if I don't it won't get done.  BUT, I still want to do things as my work schedule allows because Justus LOVES it when I'm there.  See!

It was so much fun.  They had games, food, sensory boxes (remember these--dark rooms with boxes of spaghetti brains, hot dogs fingers, jello guts, etc.), crafts and more.  The kids loved it!  I just worried about the teachers when we sent them back to the rooms.  I would not want to be responsible for keeping them calm for the next two hours after that craziness.

After a quick dinner and change of clothes, we were ready to hit the streets for trick-or-treating!  Now, we live in a neighborhood that is frequented by non-residents.  I mean, the parking lot at Justus' school is completely full and the houses right along there are hammered by visiting trick-or-treaters.  The major thoroughfares have cars parked all along them too.  You get the idea.  I'm so mad I didn't get a picture of this, but this year we had a first-- A BUS!  I'm not even kidding!  A chartered bus rolled into the hood and dumped out kids.  Really???  I know it's part of living where we do, and I welcome visitors, but there are several local business and community events for people to attend that don't involve the need to charter a bus to another neighborhood.  Just sayin'.

Before you judge our transportation (now that I've criticized the bus riders), I want to note that we have small children.  They go and go and go until they cannot go anymore and then they are too tired to walk five more steps and want to be carried.  So, after Justus' first trick or treating adventure, we learned that the best way is with some motorized assistance...

So, here we are--onto the golf cart and ready to go!

Show me your best smile to get the good candy?

  When we had trick-or-treated ourselves out, we went back to our street where our neighbors all congregate and hang out.  PS--I love that we have taken to having block parties on Halloween!  Justus went to play with the "big kids," but Delaney hung out with us...and insisted on driving the golf cart.  She kept crawling into Kidd's lap while we were going before this and got a little steering practice.  She's hooked!
"me drive"


Show us your loot?
The kids had a great time, and got lots of compliments on costumes.  We even trick-or-treated at Justus' teacher's house, which he thought was the coolest thing ever!  I admit that I have never really been a big fan of Halloween--I loathe putting wearing costumes-- but now that we have kids, I thoroughly enjoy it.  Small children in precious costumes is about as good for your heart as it gets.  They are all sooo cute!  We hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Karen - this is so cute! You need to read my blog post on Halloween - great minds think alike. That obviously goes for the parents and the kids. :)
