Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words: Manners

We are from the South.  A few things are critically important to our existence as good Southerners:  having good sweet tea, supporting high school and college football, and teaching our kids to use good manners.  Ok, maybe a few other things too, but this is a pretty good list.  Delaney is almost two now (Literally.  In three weeks.  I still can't believe it!), so we have been working on the manners part.  Never too young to start, right?  She is totally good with Please ("Peas) and Thank You ("tank you, mama") and generally even uses them at the appropriate times on her own.  So, we're moving on.  Of course, with her being almost two, we have hit the bumpy road of "NO!" and "MINE!"  I definitely don't do everything right in the life of parenting, but I try to model the desired behavior as often as possible.  So, we've been saying "No, Ma'am" to Delaney when she does something she's not supposed to or gets into something she should be leaving alone.  We believe in encouraging the use of "ma'am" and "sir" when talking to grown ups.

As a result, when she doesn't like something I'm doing or is feeling particularly argumentative, she now says (very assertively), "NO, ma'am, Mommy!"  At least she's polite about it, right?!

What I love most is when she says "No, ma'am, Daddy" or "No, ma'am, Buzz"....and the list goes on.  We haven't quite moved on to distinguishing "ma'am" and "sir".  Baby steps.  She will be a great Southern Belle, one day!


  1. So sweet! Tate still hasn't mastered manners down yet, but Cole LOVES to say "No, sir, Tater!" Maybe a little too much. ;) You are right on about sweet tea, manners, and football! Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Lindsay--I'm pretty sure that's how Delaney hears it most-Justus "helping" me. LOL! I regularly tell him that Delaney has enough parents, she doesn't need one more. Happy Thanksgiving to y'all too!

  2. Replies
    1. You know it, KVS! Apparently, one of the perks of having a big bro is taking on a love of their old toys. This kid plays with Thomas, dinosaurs, Toy Story stuff, and a few dolls every now and then. Hahaha!
