Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

Ok, so it's Thursday, shoot me.  Although, Monday was a holiday, so it sort of makes today feel like Wednesday.  Yeah, we'll go with that.

For some reason, Justus has been very interested in discussing people's ages lately.  I'm not sure why, but it could have something to do with the fact someone had a very special 5th birthday on Tuesday, so the anticipation got him thinking.  This was the first birthday he really anticipated.  I'm talking counting the days down, like an Advent calendar kind of anticipation.  What was the first birthday you remember getting excited about?  I think for me it may have been 6, but I can't remember for sure.

As an unfortunate result of his curiosity, he's been asking me 1) how old I am, 2) how old Daddy is, 3) how old his teachers get the idea. 

The other day he tells me: 

"Mommy when I am 5, you will be 35 and Daddy will be 38 [true statement]...

and when I am 17 you will be 100."

Pardon me? 
We will be increasing the amount of time he spends on math in the near future.

  Of course, later in the same day, he told me:

"Grandma told me she is 45." 
 Grandma.  Really?

I'm pretty sure he's never had this conversation with his Grandma, and we've discussed not asking adults (ladies, in particular) their age.  But, this child is obsessed with people's ages. 

Can't wait until he asks a complete stranger.

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