Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

At Kidd's work, they had a bunch of toy guns that were going to get thrown out, so he brought one home for Justus.  This toy gun does nothing other than look like a gun and make a popping sound when the trigger is pulled.  Justus is determined that said toy gun is his golden ticket to rule the universe.  It has gone everywhere with us since he received it.  Sunday, on the way to church (no, he wasn't allowed to take it IN to church, just in the car--we're not that bad, people), Justus was playing with his gun.  Keep in mind that he has been admonished since the moment toy guns/knives/swords, etc. were deemed acceptable play items in our home, that they are never to be pointed or aimed at people.  So, as we are almost to church, I hear this pop of the gun, and then:

"I did not shoot my sister."

Me:  "Ok, good.  But, I don't think anyone accused you of shooting your sister."
J:  "Ok.  Because I did not.  I did not shoot my sister."

Guilty conscience much???

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