Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday, Sunday

After all the birthday madness, Sunday was a nice, much needed low-key family day.  We went out for breakfast, but otherwise stuck pretty close to home.  We capped it off Sunday afternoon with a trip to the park to enjoy the ridiculous unseasonable beautiful, warm January weather.

It was literally almost 80 degrees, don't ask me why they are in long sleeves. I wasn't.

Look at those cheeks! How can you not just want to pinch them???

Delaney is a tad OBSESSED with dogs, and Sarah here, was nice enough to accommodate her. I think she realized that if she tried to run, the tiny human would just chase her down. Delaney Just. Kept. Hugging. her. It was really sweet. And, thank goodness Sarah, whom we've never met before, was such a good dog.

**Rest easy, folks--Sarah's owner invited D to pet her.  I didn't just unleash the dog-crazy child on the poor unsuspecting animal.  I know the golden rule: Ask first, then pet.**

Down the tube slide together!

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