Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's a good news kind of day

In my attempt recently to do some catch up blogging, I failed to share the good news we got Tuesday about Justus' ear.  We went back to the ENT for his hearing test, the first since his surgery this summer (had to wait for total healing).  You may recall from an earlier blog post that the doctor told us he expected that a normal loss in Justus' left ear would be about 50-60%.  So, we were all anticipating that.  We have not been *as* hard on the boy about not listening to us because we haven't been sure yet about how much loss there is, and therefore, how much he is actually hearing us clearly.  We've had lots of discussions about "Did you hear what I said?"  "Ok , tell me what it was."  to verify that he heard us when giving directions.  Let me just say, that boy is in some serious trouble!  The doc told us that even he is surprised by how well the results came back.  Justus' hearing in his left ear is almost in the completely normal range.  Hallelujah!  He said he almost never gets results that good, and he was just as thrilled.  So, the truth is that he's just been ignoring us.  For now, I will take that happily because that means my baby is doing great!!  Aside from living with a tumor in his ear that will require fairly regular attention, all is well and the result is pretty outstanding.  Everyone's prayers are so appreciated!!

In other great news....we have a walker!!!  Sort of.

We are so thankful for our blessings!

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