Friday, November 4, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year. For real, this time.

You may recall that one of my earlier posts was about September and the kickoff of the college football season being (almost) the most wonderful time of the year.  And it is a close second.  But now, this time, we are here for real!  And, I am giddy with the holiday spirit!  Because, as most people, I like to stretch out the things that I love and savor every possible bit of them, I count the beginning of November as the beginning of the best season.  Truthfully, I think I have come to like Thanksgiving even a bit more than Christmas (please don't tell my kids).   The weather starts to feel a bit more crisp, everyone is in a good mood because the holiday shopping stress hasn't yet set in, and you get to enjoy time with loved ones, without all the added pressure of gift giving or receiving.  Yes, receiving gifts can be stressful.  If you disagree, you have not received some of the gifts I have.  Besides, November is really a blend of awesomeness in that it's the height of the college football season, when we can really see how the season is shaping up and the big games are just ahead AND the enjoyment of comfort food, family togetherness, and comfortable cool weather.  Note that the football part may not be good news for everyone, including a particular team close to my heart! (ahem, Love you Ags, but you gotta get it together this month or it's going to be UGLY!!)

This morning I got to thinking, what is it that I notice every year that really makes me think "Yay!!  It's here! My favorite time of year."  I'm sure it's different for everyone.  So, I've put together a little list, in no particular order, of "You know it's the holiday season when..."

1.  Halloween is over, and the candy hangover has set in.
2.  Christmas music is ever so subtly mixed in to the mall shopping soundtrack.  Seriously.  I heard this in our mall on November 2!  Not every song, but at least every third one.
3.   I get the reminder from our lighting guy that his crew will come put up our Christmas lights, and if I want them up around Thanksgiving I better call soon.
4.  It's the hardest part of the Aggie football schedule.
5.  Hobby Lobby and other craft stores have all their spring stuff out.  Yes, I said spring because they start putting their Christmas stuff out in August!  I guess when you are crafty, you need to start way ahead of time so you don't have a shortage of supplies when it's time to display your project, as happened to me.   (by the way, the project remains in pieces in my garage because there was NO more black glitter spray paint in this entire town.  I checked everywhere!) 
6.  ALL the catalogs that come to the house are holiday themed and have holiday items for sale.  I want them all and will never buy most of them.
7.  The OGC staff starts having meetings of the Thanksgiving committee.  Whoo hoo--hands down, BEST potluck ever!  Bring out the big girl pants.
8.  Gingerbread and gingerbread flavored things start to appear in vast quantities, everywhere you turn.
9.  Facebook statuses everywhere are overtaken by the 30 days of Thanksgiving updates.  I think this is a wonderful idea and I love reading what people are giving thanks for.  Keep it up!  And if you don't participate, I encourage you to.  It's a nice exercise in self-analysis.
10.  Here's what does it for me--the ultimate show that it is the most wonderful time of the year.

Behold--the Red Starbucks Holiday cup!!  Oh, how I love thee, and the comfort of the holidays you bring to me on a chilly winter morn (so what if it's going to be 78 this afternoon.  It was 41 when I got this earlier this morning).  I will be sad again in January when you are gone, but for now, hello and welcome back.

So, what is it that gets you in the holiday mood?

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