Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday's (or Friday's) Winning Words

Time has gotten away from me this week, so it is not until today that I get to bring you this week's nugget o' fun, courtesy of Justus.  As an aside, Delaney is really starting to find her voice, so she may soon be competing for some Wednesday attention on the ol' blog. 
Stay tuned, there may be video involved.

I'm not sure how it all got started (older siblings, no doubt), but Justus and some of the other kids (read: GIRLS) in his class have started talking a lot about marriage and babies.  I don't see it on the weekly lesson plans we get, so I'm pretty sure it's just the topic of conversation during center time, primarily in the home center.  Note to self: encourage Justus to play more in the block center.  Anyway, the other night on the way home from work and school, he started:

J: Mommy, are you and Daddy going to get married?
Me:  We already are, Justus.  We got married a loooong time before you were born.
J:  Oh.  
I can just about hear the wheels turning in that little mind of his, so I inquire further...

Me:  Do you think Daddy and I should get married again?  ( I figured the kid wanted a good party)
J:  Yes, because we need a baby boy.

um, what?  No. 
But, I am glad you think marriage is necessary before babies. 

Me:  Well, Austin has one, can't you just borrow his?

I really ought to learn to just sit silently sometimes, instead of verbally reacting because I can see how it might confuse him to think that borrowing Mason from Austin could be a viable solution (and my apologies to Austin's family for suggesting that, I promise not to steal your sweet baby), but I was a bit taken aback by the direction of the conversation.  I went on to tell him how even if we were getting another baby (which we are not), we couldn't be sure it would be a boy.  What if we got another girl?  He assured me that wouldn't happen because he NEEDS a boy.  Really.  Pretty sure he'll be asking Santa for that one.

1 comment:

  1. So so cute - I love catching up on preschool conversations by the questions I get asked. Freddy wants us to have six more kids - pretty much, after some digging, it became obvious that he thought if we had 8 children in our family, we could play 4 on 4 soccer in the yard whenever he wanted. :) Good luck with finding a baby brother for Justus!
