Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday's Winning Words: Halloween Edition

I continue to be bombarded with the "Why?" quesitons, and they are eternally interesting.  The 4-year-old's imagination is a truly magnificent thing.  How do we lose so much of that as we grow up?

Nonetheless, this week's conversation is the true reflection of Halloween.  Justus said a lot of crazy stuff that night, and it was all remarkable, but this episode with his father (which I am relaying second hand) was my favorite.  We had returned home from trick-or-treating and I was getting Delaney ready for bed while Justus had been asked to start getting his costume off and get in his pjs, after he ate his one piece of candy he was allowed that night.   I walk by the kids' bathroom and Justus informs me that he is flossing.  I tell him that's a good idea, and keep on with my Delaney process.  After everyone is in bed, Kidd tells me about his encounter with Justus in the same bathroom a few minutes later. He said Justus had a flosser in one hand and the big Tootsie Roll (chosen piece of said candy) in the other.

He had developed a pattern: Bite of the candy, then floss.  Repeat.
 Finally, he said to his father "Daddy, I really wanted to like the Tootsie Roll, but it keeps sticking to my teeth.  Can I throw the rest of it away?" 

 Aah, if only he made the same effort to like broccoli!

From the Royal Pirate Ship:  Happy Halloween!!

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