Monday, July 23, 2012

I heart weekends

We had a fantastic weekend.  I know I don't normally recap the weekend events in the Royal household, but I just felt like taking pictures this one, so we happen to have something to show for it.  We didn't do anything particularly excited for most of it.  Just another few days in the life....

Friday night I was beat from a long week (and my original dinner plans fell through), so we ordered pizza and had movie night at home.  Justus loves to have a "picnic" while he watches his movie.

Poor Delaney isn't qualified yet to eat on the floor while watching tv, so she had her picnic in her standard eating location.  But, isn't it a picnic every time a toddler eats?

Saturday was a pretty standard day--errands, napping, playing and BATH TIME!  I love that our kids are at a stage where they can play in the bath together.  Makes things easier for me too.

...aaaannd we're done when little bit starts climbing out of her bathseat.

Sunday was a BIG day.  We went to Houston and had lunch with Maurcie.

The suprised look on Justus' face was because he had his eyes closed in the previous shot, so I told him to keep his eyes open this time.  Silly kid!

Today, Justus decided he's into taking pictures.  Whoo hoo--looks like I'm going to actually get to be in a few.  Then we left Delaney with Maurcie and we took Justus to his first live theater event.  If you know me at all, you know how much I love theater, well musicals (thank you, Darla), so this was a big deal.  I wouldn't normally have taken a 5 year old, but I think we found just the right show to hold his attention.

So excited!  I wish I could have filmed his reaction to the show.  It was amazing--both the show, and watching him light up at certain things.  If you haven't been and you are able, I highly recommend it!  I'm pretty sure he loved it, given that he hasn't stopped talking about it since we left the theater. He saw a poster for Peter Pan, coming in December, and he's quite certain he "needs" to see it too.

"I'm the king of the world!"  Oh, wait, different movie....

After a good nap and play time with Maurcie, this one was ready to go home.

This is the "My family went to see The Lion King, and all I got was this stupid hat" face. 
Don't let her fool you--she got a t-shirt and a magnet too.

What a wonderful weekend!  We hope yours was every bit as fantastic.

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