Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words: Bad Day

After a wonderful weekend (more on that tomorrow), Justus had a Monday.  No--Justus had the Monday of all least in the world of a 5-year-old. 

He fell.  On his face.  Literally. 

Poor Kiddo!  He was getting out of my car, and somehow tripped and landed right on the asphalt, on his cheek bone.  With feet still up in my car--which is a large SUV.  My heart just broke for him.  I'm not even going to go into the comedy of me trying to help him up, while still holding onto Delaney, two nap mats, and a diaper bag because we were on a street (miserable parenting moment when you can't just drop everything and hug your hurt child!).  The complicating factor was that his face was already starting to swell, due to what we (and by "we", I mean Dr. H) can only guess was an allergic reaction of some kind to the very normal summertime combination of sun, sunscreen, chlorine, and goggles on Saturday, that didn't start swelling until overnight Sunday.  So, here's my little man, immediately after the fall, still not emotionally recovered.

I tried to comfort him and let him know that people fall all the time, it happens, life will go on....

He, still understandably crying and whining, says "I didn't want to trip and fall today, but the day made me fall.  It's a bad day.  I don't like this day...."

I wonder if I can use that at work? 
"I didn't want to, but the day made me {fill in the blank with activity that would likely result in a reprimand or loss of employment}."


What the poor kid didn't know is that Tuesday would be worse, albeit not painful.  Check out his face the next morning (even AFTER a night of Benedryl.)

Don't know what it was, but he's definitely having some kind of reaction! 
At least his scrape looks better...and he's smiling...sort of. 


  1. Ryan was very concerned for the poor little guy! I just want to grab him and give him a hug and say that "no good very bad days" happen to us all. Poor Justus!

    1. Aww, he was so sweet that morning when he saw Justus. He seemed very concerned. Justus is doing much better--at least the swelling has gone down. I just hate when our kids have bad days/events/injuries/feelings that we can't fix!
