Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The 3rd of July!!

I know what you are thinking--why in the world is she getting excited about the 3rd of July, isn't tomorrow the holiday and anniversary of our country's independence?  Yes, it is.  But, since kids came into our lives, we've had a little 3rd of July celebration every year--The Weekday School 4th of July Parade!  Today's parade marked 1) the first (and last) time both kids got to be in the parade together--Justus was recovering from his tonsilechtomy last year, and 2) Justus' last parade before Kindergarten (sniff sniff).  Now, when I say "parade," I'm sure you are envisioning floats down the city street, with hundreds of onlookers, cheering as they go by.  Close, but scale it back just a smidge.  Imagine a big gym with parents, grandparents, and other special people (armed with phones, cameras, and videocameras, of course) lined around the edge, and the kids walk in make a huge circle or two, say a prayer, a pledge, and off they go.  The End.  Simple, sweet, and to the point.  It has taken on several iterations over the year, sometimes including lunch for/with the parents and sometimes not.  Can't say I blame them in the "not" years.  Each class either makes shirts, hats, and/or props of some kind.  I'm sure it is a lot of work for the teachers and staff to prepare for this very brief activity.    This doesn't even begin to take into account what happens when some of the younger ones spot their excited parents in the crowd.  More on that momentarily.

So, here are some pics from this year's parade, held earlier today.

I know it's far away and a little blurry, but a shout out to the Friendship Club.  Justus has been with most of these kids since infancy.  They are such good kids and I know they are going to miss each other next year.
Look how much fun they are having with their homemade hats and sparklers.

Total. Pro.

Delaney and her friends a little overwhelmed by checking out the chaos. 
Looking good in their homemade shirts.

Pretty darn cute.  Before she saw me.

...and then someone saw Mommy...
This is why you should hide when your child under three comes tootling through...

Justus waiting on the stage because SOMEONE got to lead everyone in the prayer. 
Check it out--if you can even see him.  My mistake for standing on the opposite side of the gym. 
So proud of him.

They may be short and sweet, but we always enjoy the 3rd of July parades at the Weekday School.  We will miss watching Justus parade around, but look forward to more for Delaney --assuming they allow us back after we made the near fatal error of going to her classroom.  After she was calmed down and eating.  And got her all upset again.  Duh!  I know better.

So, Happy 3rd of July to everyone!!

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