Friday, July 6, 2012

19 months!

We skipped the 18 month update on Delaney because we couldn't get in to see the good Dr. H until almost 19 months.  So, here we are.  Can't believe it's been 19 months.

I swear, this wasn't a headlock.  They actually had posed for a couple of pics (none of which turned out), but then she was d.o.n.e.

So, what have you been up to, Miss Delaney?

You are definitely growing!!  You now weigh 25 lbs, 3 oz., which puts you in the 59th percentile.  And, you are 2 ft., 9 inches, which puts you in the 79th percentile.  You have literally shot up in both of these categories.  It's starting to look like you may be tall, after all.  You can still wear some of your size 4 shoes, and often do, but the 4.5s fit best...but you love some of your 5s (hello, sparkly pink Tiny Toms) and insist on wearing them sometimes.  Speaking of insisting on wearing things--I set clothes out for you on purpose, to make our mornings go more smoothly and allow you as much beauty sleep as possible.  I do not wake you up early enough to wrestle with you while you try to literally rip off the shirt I have carefully selected for the day, or reject the shoes I chose only to point and grunt at other ones.  It ruins the whole ensemble and we have to start over.  We need to come to an agreement on how we are going to do this morning dressing ritual.  You have the rest of your life to be picky about what you wear.  Can you at least give me these first couple of years, like until you can verbalize your distaste of my selections?

You had a tooth explosion and you now have about 10-12 teeth.  And you LOVE to "brush" them.  You haven't quite gotten the knack of brushing so much, but you love to put the toothbrush in your mouth and move it around.  The only problem is that you don't want any help (at all.  for anything. I'm getting over it.), so it's a challenge to be sure your teeth are getting clean.  BTW, your breath this morning indicates that we did a less than stellar job last night.

You continue to be a good eater, as indicated by your "great belly" that Dr. H. loves and says you should keep just like it is (at least for another year or so). You have been on a broccoli kick lately, which is great, and your new obsession is corn on the cob.  I'm pretty sure that if left alone, you could singlehandedly put away a half dozen cobs.  You also have started branching out in your fresh fruit adventures.  You had scaled back your fruit intake to pretty much only mandarin oranges and grapes.  This week alone, you have happily also taken on apples, blueberries, strawberries, and watermelon.  Yay for fresh fruit in the summer!

You surprise us all the time by repeating things we say, or trying at least.  And you have become more assertive in your "no."  Can't say I'm surprised or excited by this development.  You still prefer to have people entertain you rather than play with toys, but it is less consistent than it was.  You love books, and our reading time before bed.  We need to mix it up a bit though.  I'm growing weary of Ten Little Rubber Ducks and Bedtime Bible Stories.  We'll bring them back, but let's circulate a few others in the mix.  Justus is your favorite play thing ever.  As you grow, he's getting a little more rough with you and we try to settle him down, but your laughing while he's rough housing doesn't help him understand that he needs to be more gentle.  He just says "but, look, she likes it."  We must start preparing for the day you two start ganging up on us.  It's closer than we think.

You have such a soft spot in your heart for animals.  I hope that we can nurture that love in a way that encourages you to always want to have them.  They are very special and often become part of our families.  We lost our Mollie Sunday night, and I think you may be the most affected by it.  You loved to watch Daddy feed her in the mornings.  Tuesday, you walked into the kitchen, pointed at her bowls, looked at me and asked "Mollie? Mollie?"  Broke my heart.  I admit, I'm glad you aren't Justus' age because I know it would be much harder on you.

You are a girly girl (as established by your well-dcoumented shoe obsession), and the evidence is mounting.  We tried on clothes before our last photo shoot with Sarah--dying to see those pics!!--and you didn't want to take off the baubles.  Ever.  You tried to wear them to bed! 

You also apparently will sit still for toenail painting, but not clipping. 
I see trips to the nail salon in our near future.

You are so much fun, sweet girl, and bring so much light and happiness to our family.  You are sassy and sweet all wrapped into one. We are completely in love with you.  On the one hand, I want you to immediately stop growing.   On the other, it is such a delight to watch you develop.  We are so blessed with the honor of being your family, Delaney.  We love you!!

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