Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

I'm learning that I completely stink at blogging when traveling. This time I don't even have a laptop so I'm relegated to writing this post from my phone. sorry if it doesn't look pretty! I feel so behind-the-times.

Speaking of a bit of a time warp, I've decided to use today's post to re-cap the phrases or that I used as a kid, that Justus has been saying a lot lately.

"That is so cool!"

"Awesome!" Granted, I still use this pretty regularly- both in earnest and with sarcasm from time to time.

"My bad" when he does some thing wrong. Haven't heard this in years, so I'm not sure where he got it from, but it kind of freaks me out a little.

"Wicked". Ok, so I never actually used this one to describe something, but I remember making fun of East Coast people for saying it. Kidd taught him that. His favorite use is to call something "wicked fast."

Crazy kid! I love hearing him use colloquialisms, but it's kinda making me feel old!


  1. Cole has been saying, "Sweet, baby!" On another note, you HAVE to read the Honest Toddler blog if you don't already (link on my blog). It is hilarious! Read the We, Up, and Love posts.

    1. Ok, that Honest Toddler blog is brilliant!! I am so glad you shared it. Cracks me up. I will link it immediately.
