Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

Today's post (and now that I think about it, I may have to do this more often) comes from complete strangers.  It was too good to not share. 

Sunday morning, we were picking pumpkins for our carving and this happened:

A sweet family was picking out theirs too, and were obviouly motivated by something completely different.   No judgement here.  They were walking around and their son (maybe 3-4) asked "How do I know which one to get, Mommy and Daddy?" He was very excited.  It was obviously his first time to pick out a pumpkin.  Mommy said "Well, just pick the one that you think has the most seeds."  Much like myself, the boy had a confused look on his face.    But unlike me, the poor child tried, in earnest in an attempt to respond to his Mom's asinine comment, to identify such a pumpkin.  Mommy continues to walk around the pumpkins and contemplates out loud, "I wish they had stickers on them that said "This pumpkin has this many seeds inside." 

Remember that old comedy/country song--"Here's your sign."  In moments like that, I wish I had one to give...

In other news....

**The flash on my phone gets Delaney every time.  This was the best after about 4 attempts...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Carving Fool

As you may recall from my cell phone clean out post, I am not a pumpkin carver.  Or at least I wasn't.  Until there was a competition involved.  And a little boy who desperately wanted to carve a pumpkin.  So, over the weekend, we bought ourselves some pumpkins and got after it in the name and spirit of all things Halloween.

Before we got started, Justus got to use his new Mr. Potato head pumpkin decorating kit (thanks Fattig Family)!  He LOVES these things....and we love them too.  Simple. Fun. Clean.

We bought several pumpkins, in anticipation of errors and the need to start over--which never happened.  YAY!  Except now I have two uncarved pumpkins that are just asking to be carved...
So, Justus picked out a bat design that he wanted.  Daddy decapitated the pumpkin and we made Justus clean out the insides.  He was not too keen on this.  But, it's a pumpkin carving must, and if you want a pumpkin carved, you have to clean it.  Look what a good sport he's being!

Then I went to work.  Because, let's be honest, the 5-year-old who desperately wanted to carve a pumpkin does NOT have the patience to actually carve the pumpkin.  He watched some and played some and then appropriately ooohed and aaahed when it was done. He was ecstatic about his, especially once we turned off the lights and he saw it with the light inside.  It went immediately to live on our front porch with our other pumpkin decorations.

Our office is having a carving contest this week and if you wanted to participate, you were to just show up with the pumpkin already carved.  So, here's my entry.  It probably won't win any spectacular prizes, but I was very pleased with myself for doing it because my artistic skill, if I have any, is not in carving, drawing, coloring, sculpting, etc.  I'm more of a music girl.  So, this was a big accomplishment for me!

I'm pretty sure our little experiment made me an annual pumpkin carver!  Looking forward to doing this annually...especially when the kiddos can do their own too.  We may even save the seeds and toast them next time...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday's Winning MAKEOVER!

Ok, so I know it doesn't have the same ring to it as Wednesday's Winning Words, but check out this re-do of my blog!!  Isn't it fun?  I feel like I can outwardly express how pleased I am with it because I didn't do it.

So, in lieu of some random humorous remarks by one of the kids, today I introduce you to my new love.  Super big THANKS to Becca at Jumping Jax Designs (and to Katy King for recommending her services)!!  I adore it and hope you do too.

I feel obligated to create a bounty of new posts that are worthy of this beautiful new design....but don't hold your breath.  As always, one step at a time!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cell phone clean out- October edition

It's been awhile since I've done one of these, so here we go...

Delaney had her first school pictures at daycare without Justus. Sorry for the glare, this is me taking a cell phone pic of the actual picture.  P.S.--the one on your right is her polite "stranger danger" face.  Quiet, pensive, fiddling with her hands.  I'm pretty certain that what is happening here is the unknown-to-her photographer jumping up and down trying to make her smile and she's not having it.  Chances are someone she knows was at least in the vicinity for the pic on the left.  This is why we are so grateful for Sarah and the quality of picture she can get.
Then, the poor child was sick for a whole week with a virus and pneumonia.  I could have taken this same picture at any point during that week.  She did little else.  Just broke my heart.
Candy Corn is my October obsession.  Not that I need one for each month, but I actually crave this stuff in October.  It's ridiculous.  And just for the record--no, I don't eat the Easter candy corn that comes out.  Fall candy corn is the only real deal.
Earlier in October, I had to say goodbye (from work only) to one of my favorite staff people ever.  And wouldn't you know I managed to get a picture of the cake, but not of the two of us?!?!  Missing my Tish, but I know she is L.O.V.I.N.G. her new opportunity and I couldn't be more excited for her.

This one was attacked by a tub of Eucerin skin cream last Tuesday, which resulted in this lovely black eye!  She doesn't seem too bothered by it.  In other news, she now knows the aTm (and the color maroon) as indication of "Aggie" and LOVES to point it out on shirts, cars, flags, etc.  That's my girl! 

We hit the pumpkin patch yesterday afternoon.  Can you tell how excited he is to be there?  Admittedly, it was a balmy 90 degrees and very sunny (hence the hand covering his eyes from the sun), so he just wanted to get his pumpkin and get the heck out.  Note that we are short one child here?  Yes, well, you will have to trust me that D was all dressed up for the occasion, as she was sound asleep in dad's truck by the time we got to the patch.  Not a total loss for her--Justus picked her a little pumpkin too.

So, yeah, we're those people--we don't carve pumpkins.  At least not yet.  Not until the kids are a bit older.  And can clean up the mess.  Justus found this Darth Vader pumpkin decorating kit at Target and was super excited about it, so we went with it.  He is so proud of it!!  That's what matters, right?
Not super exciting, I know, but stay tuned...big new things ahead!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words: A kind heart

I can't believe it's been a whole week since my last post.  Wait, yes I can.  Sorry!  I'm still coming off the blood pressure spike from the Aggies' late night football antics in the wee hours of Sunday morning.

I digress.  This was such a sweet thing my boy did, I just had to share.

At the soccer game Saturday, one of the boys on Justus' team was not feeling well.  His tummy was upset, but bless his heart, he was trying to play through it.  His dad said that he had mentioned before the game he wasn't feeling well, but wanted to try to play.  Despite his best efforts in the first half, the poor kiddo permanently came out of the game vomiting after just a couple minutes of play in the second half.  While I was very concerned for the boy and simultaneously privately stewing with my so-help-me-if-he-has-a-virus-and-now-our-kid-has-it-and-we-have-to-keep-him-home-this-week thoughts, Justus interrupts my internal dialog with: "Mommy, I think we should pray for him during prayers tonight so he gets better soon."
God, I love that kid!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

Today's winning words post is more about a new habit Justus has, rather than one individual conversation.  I'm hoping that it is an age-appropriate thing and he will grow out of it.  Otherwise, he's going to be "that guy" and let's just say, mama ain't gonna let that happen.

So, it goes something like this (examples are ficticious because I can't recall any specifically off the top of my head):

Me:  Hey, let's read this book tonight, Harvey Potter's Balloon Farm.
Justus:  I knew you were going to pick that book.  That's the book I wanted you to pick, so I knew you would pick it. (Note--there are about 100 books in Justus' book shelf to choose from.  There's NO way he knew which one I would pick).

OR this

Justus playing in his room in the morning, not at all aware of me standing there...

Me: ahem, shouldn't you be making your bed and brushing your teeth.
Justus:  I was just about to come tell you that, that I was making my bed and brushing my teeth.


Justus:  What is that, mommy?
As soon as I tell him...he says, "I knew that, that's what I was trying to tell you."  Really?!

These are probably not very good examples, but everything lately with him is "I knew that" or "I told you that" when he didn't.  At all.

I fear that without redirection, he may become the know-it-all or one-upper.  How does one curb these tendencies?  We touched on the fact that when he says he knew that or he was trying to tell us that when he wasn't is actually lying.  While that is true, I feel like that's kind of strong response to a kiddo who seemingly is just trying to exert a little I-can-keep-up-with-the-big-kids behavior.

I'm open to suggestions or similar stories of others around that age doing the same thing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

22 months!

Could she look more grown up in these pics???

It's hard to believe that the next time I do an update on this one, she will be TWO YEARS OLD!  I feel like it has flown by in a heartbeat.  I look at her newborn pics and can hardly remember holding that tiny baby.

So, what's up with you, Miss Delaney?!

Height and Weight:  When you were sick last week, you weighed in at 25.5 pounds (50.09%), and this week you weighed in at 25 lbs, 14.1 oz.  Glad to see you're eating again...  Good for you for not letting it get you down.  They measured you today at Texas Children's and said you were 2 feet, 8.76 inches (39.58%).  I think you are a little taller though because you kind of squatted down a bit when she started lowering that plate onto your head.  You did NOT like that at all.  Can't say I would feel any different.

Clothes:  You can wear most of the 18 month clothes and all the 18-24 month stuff.  I bought mostly 2T for winter, but they say they are for 30-33 lb kids, so beef it up a bit, will ya?  We got some really cute stuff you need to fit into soon.  Shoes, oh the shoes--you can wear some 5s, but I am beginning to get you 6s.  We even have to send one pair of 6s back because they are too tight.  I think we have a width issue with those little piggies.  Not judging, just noting.

Food:   You have become more picky in your older age, and less interested in eating.  You will eat salad, which is more than I can say for your brother.  However, your favorites are scrambled egg, mandarin oranges, refried beans and cheese.  You are kind of over the bread thing, so grilled cheese sandwiches don't do it for you any more.  Good for you.  Bad for me.  Meat consumption is unpredictable and determined on a case by case situation.  You will and have eaten chicken, pork and beef, but you don't seem to "want" any of them regularly.  Your brother gobbled up those Gerber pre-packaged toddler meals.  You, my dear, seem to think you are too good for them and want no part. 

Play:  You are starting to branch out with what you will do to consume your time.  You like a few more toys, although now you have made it clear you have no interest in sharing once you get something, and you may or may not be inclined to just walk up to what someone else is playing with, point and shout "Mine!" whether it actually is or not.  You LOVE music.  You will jam out in the car with a little headbobbing action.  Super cute.  Oh, look, I happen to have a video.

Somebody loves 90's on 9 (thank you Sirius, and thank you daddy for bringing back some of mommy's favorites.)

It's so much fun when you and Justus both go to "dancing" in the back seat.  He is still your favorite play thing, but you have started to  bicker a bit (see earlier statement on "Mine!").  He is tolerant and still loves you very much.  He has learned the art of distracting you with something else.  Too bad for him you are about grown out of that stage.  You are also our little daredevil.  You have no fear and you try to climb everything.  This combination makes me nervous and I feel like I should start planning fastest routes to the ER in preparation of what may be to come.  Speaking of climbing, you are starting to climb on the couches and beds in the house, and have no problem asking for "Hewp" if you need assistance.  This is cute.  Until you go up and down about 15 times in a row.

Talking:  You have become quite a chatterbox!  I love it.  You have started adding on the name of the person you thank, so you will say "tank you, mommy" or "tank you, daddy" which is beyond adorable.  You are also a big fan of "I got it!" or "I did it!" when you have succeeded.  I love it and am so proud of you--even if you've just knocked over something I asked you to leave alone.  Your visible pride in yourself when you do something you have been wanting to do is inspiring.

We also went to Texas Children's for your annual ENT appointment yesterday, where they did your hearing test and we met with the good doctor V (not to be confused with the good doctor H, your pediatrician).  Dr. V was his usual barrel of laughs (great doc, but seriously the least enthusiastic person I've ever come across), and your hearing test came back fine.  They said your hearing in your right ear is in the normal range.  The testing wasn't as precise as the ABR we previously did, but at least you didn't have to have anesthesia this time.  They did some behavioral testing, and noted that it's possible that in some situations, you may have been ignoring them as opposed to just not being able to hear them.  No. Way.  An almost 2-year-old ignoring a grown up?  Shocking!  They acknowledged it's a pretty high liklihood that it happened that way from time to time during the testing, and they take that into account.  Well, that's good!  All in all, a good visit.  We just have to be vigilant about watching your speech development.  It's times like this that I am glad you are at daycare and are surrounded by other kiddos your age, so we can get a good comparison for your speech.  Know that we are doing everything we can to give you the best opportunities to succeed!

Delaney, you continue to be the light of our lives with your vivacious spirit and warm heart.  Despite your tendency to hit when frustrated (I suppose I prefer this to biting--the evidence doesn't last as long), you are a very kind child, but the less (hyper)sensitive of our two.  You are a tough cookie, and tolerate a lot of bumps and bruises in your effort to hang with your big brother.  You love to laugh and to make people laugh with you.  We are starting to see some of the frustrations of the "terrible twos" setting in, but are certain we will all survive.  You just keep being you and letting us love you.

Next order of business:  Plan your "Goody-TWO-Shoes" birthday party!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words: The hunting trip

Justus and Kidd went to Kidd's parents last weekend for the annual Dove Hunt trip (while I stayed home with little Miss Sick-ALL-Week-Long!).  They left Saturday morning, after we learned of the rain out for soccer.  Friday night before the trip, Justus says the following during prayers:

"...and God...please don't let Daddy shoot me after he shoots the doves and I run out to get them..."

WHAT????  Kidd and I both looked up at each other quizzically (ok, I may have looked a little accusatory).  I mean, really, where does he come up with this stuff?  Needless to say, I encouraged Kidd to have a long talk with him about gun safety on the way down there.  And while they were hunting.  And before bed Saturday night.  And on the way back.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A family portrait

Yes.  One does exist.  Finally! It is fair to say we have not had a "real" family picture taken since Delaney joined us, oh, 22 months ago.  Now, thanks to the ever-amazing Sarah Giles of Butterfly Chaser Photography, we exist, in photo, as a family unit.  YAY!!


Less Traditional. 
Thank you Pinterest (and Sarah for doing the awesome work to make this Pinterest wish come true). 

And, I can't even tell you the last time we got a good picture of the two of us, but I am loving the ones Sarah got.  Note to self--more pictures with husband.  Make him smile first.

 These two-- My heart.  Personified.

This face! (she's saying "oh no!")

The sass!
 (And thanks to the equally sassy Emmy King for loaning this seriously adorable outfit and baubles!!)

Superhero turned Kindergartener.

He's just so handsome.  I melt.  Of course, I suppose I'm a bit biased.

Since I'm usually the one with the camera, I'm particularly excited about getting pictures of me with each kiddo! 
You can tell it's summer by the way the humidity just wreaked havoc on our hair!

 People see me with Delaney and say "Oh, she looks just like you..." 
Until they see these two together.

Best Friends! 

 Thanks for cruising through my short brag book.  Trust me--it was short.  We got over 100 glorious photos.  I picked a tiny few to share.  I am so thankful to Sarah, as always, for capturing this stage of our family life. I continue to be in awe of how much I love the pictures we get back (because each shoot feels like a whirlwind of clothes changes and silly faces for the perfect smile). 
We will truly cherish these!