Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words--the [First] Lent Edition

We are Episcopalian.  We do Lent (contrary to most people thinking it's only a Catholic thing).  So, I was talking with Justus about Lent because although I don't think he's necessarily old enough to full understand and participate in all aspects, the education can clearly start.  I mean, the kid understands sacrifice and deprivation.  Ask him--he thinks he suffers from it every day at my hands--he just doesn't know the words.  So, we started with the small stuff:  Lent is the name for the 40 days before Easter...People give up things they really like to have/do for the 40 days to represent the sacrifice Jesus made for us...."  Well, I apparently lost him at "Easter."  The next part of the conversation went like this:

J:  "Mommy, do you know what I'm going to ask the Easter bunny to bring me for Easter?"
M: "Justus, you may get an Easter basket from the Easter bunny, but he's not Santa Clause.  He doesn't take requests."
J: "Ok, but do you know what I'm going to ask him for?"
M:"  No, I don't.  How do you plan on telling the Easter bunny what you want?  We don't know where he lives like we do Santa Clause."
J: "When we take our picture with him, I'll tell him."

That kid has an answer for everything!

Our first effort at explaining Lent didn't go so well.  I guess we'll just keep trying.  If anyone has creative ways to explain Lent to a 5-year-old, I'm more than willing to accept suggestions.

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