Monday, February 27, 2012

Heavy in the House

I've mentioned a time or two about the "heavy" subjects we've been talking about lately, courtesy of Justus' unceasing curiosity.  Well, it continues.  Awhile back, during the regular bedtime prayer "Now I lay me down to sleep..." Justus asked what a soul was (wanting to know why we would ask God to keep it or take it, per the prayer).  Given that it was bedtime, we talked about it but didn't go into great detail.  He forgot about it by morning.  Now, it seems we've moved on.

Recently on the way to school, he was talking about how if you get "burned" (creamated, to you and me) you get to heaven faster than if you "go in the ground" (buried).  The he said, "If you go in the ground, you may not even go to heaven."  I swear, I know what you are thinking:  "What in the world are they teaching that child at his young age?!?!"  I do not initiate these conversations with him, but I'm also not going to ignore what he brings up for discussion.  So, I told him very generally that one way is not a faster path to heaven, and that even if you get buried, you can still go to heaven.  I told him how our soul goes to heaven when we die no matter what, as long as we believe in God.  He pointed out that he believes in God, so that means he gets to go to heaven.  Good, we understand the fundamental here (at least what a 5 year old can grasp).

Then, he wanted to know where in his body his soul was.  Are you kidding me with this???  at 7:00 a.m.?!?!Can I just send the kid to theology school now, please?  Maybe he can explain it all to me. ....and we're back to "What is a soul?" 

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