Thursday, April 4, 2013

Wednesday's Winning Words: Spoiler alert

  This is a cautionary tale of what happens when someone spoils your child and then leaves you to deal with it.  I'm talking to you, Ms Shanon!

It's been warm lately and Delaney has adjusted to the flip flop/sandals with the thing between the toes (unlike last year when she screamed when I put them on her).  So, she wanted to wear some of her new sandals to school the other day.  I obliged. 

Me:  Delaney, I love your new sandals.  They are so pretty!
D:  Pretty shoes, Mommy?! 

PAUSE as she looks quizzically down at her feet....

D:  My toes not painted, mommy....

sad face

D:  Ms. Shanon paint my toes???
Me:  Delaney,  you are two.  It is acceptable for you to wear sandals without toenail polish.
D:  My toes not painted, mommy....

Still the sad face, as she walks in confusion to another room. 

She wore the shoes anyway, but it was touch and go there for awhile.  Apparently, she continued to make an issue of it for the duration of the day, because her sweet teacher, Ms. Syeda, offered for us to bring the polish to school and she would paint her toes during nap time!  This kid has the whole world wrapped around one of those little pinkies.

1 comment:

  1. My mom taught me that "nice girls" always have polished toenails. Right on, Delaney!! :) Meanwhile, I'm washing mud out of Tate's ear. How does it get inside the ears?!
