Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday's Winning Words: Life as we know it

So, my morning (once I got to work) went a little something like this:

As a follow up to something that happened late yesterday, I call client university president.  He isn't there, but I'm told he will return my call shortly.

Wait patiently in my office so as to not miss important call from said university president, who I know is an incredibly busy person.  If I miss the call, it may not happen again today.  And this call must happen before I leave town this afternoon.

Cell phone rings.  It's the daycare.  My thought:  "Crap, Delaney bit someone again and is about to get kicked out of daycare..."  I answer anyway.  Just as I hear Katy say "Hi, it's Katy," the office phone rings.  "Katy, can I call you right back? I've been waiting for this call that just came in. Mkay, thanks, bye."

Talk to university president about very important university business.  I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you.  And then I'd lose both my job and my freedom, so it's not worth it.  Sorry.  We had a good 10-15 minute talk, and solved all the world's problems (or so I thought).

Called daycare back immediately because I can envision my either ill or troubled child sitting in Ms. Katy's office:  "Ok, Katy, sorry.  Had to get that.  What's up, is everything ok with Delaney?"
Katy:  Yes, Delaney has some good new she wanted to share, so let me put her on speaker..."

Delaney (in a very unlike her soft, whispered voice):  "I tee tee potty, Mommy.."

me: YAY!!!!!  My big girl tee-tee'd in the potty.  I'm so happy..."

The celebratory conversation of the event (with details you don't want to hear) with Delaney and Katy continued for a couple of minutes...

As soon as I hang up, with a huge smile on my face because Delaney FINALLY went on the potty at school, I click that I need to get down the hall to my boss to discuss my previous conversation of the morning.  Not the one about the potty.

This is my advise to high level administrators and celebrating potty successes all within the matter of five minutes.  And, I wouldn't want it any other way.

I know so many women who engage in this dual life of outside the home work & parenting, and we don't think anything of it because it truly just is life as we know it.  But, every now and then, something like this morning happens that when I step back and look at it, I gain a little more perspective of how fortunate we are to be able to both do what we love and have what we love at the same time.  It is hard.  Every day, it is hard.  But the rewards from both adventures are bountiful, and I am so thankful to God for my many blessings which include both work and a family.  It's easy to get frustrated in the day to day of either (or both) work and/or life, but I aim to focus more on celebrating the good fortune of having both and for being a better person because of both.  Every woman has to do what is right for her when it comes to deciding whether to be a stay at home mother or work, and I don't judge.  We are not all cut from the same cloth, and the world needs us both.  I am a better parent because I work.  I also think I'm better at my job because of my family.  At this point, I could not imagine giving up either.  I am truly blessed and look forward to many more days of this life as I know it!  I just hope that more strike me as being as humorous as today did.

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