Thursday, August 30, 2012

Last summer weekend, then Kindergarten Bound

On the last official summer weekend, we got to go to Waco for a cousin's wedding!  We decided to make a stop at the Cameron Park Zoo in the afternoon since the wedding wasn't until evening.  Kidd hurt his back, so I had to single-parent the adventure.  Note to self:  Keep the husband around, even if only to assist with child management. 

Sorry the picture is so far away, but I was trying to get the whole sign in.  It's one or the other, right?

For being a fairly small zoo, we saw ALL kinds of great animals and creatures---fish, bears, monkeys, alligators, birds, bison....the list is endless. We did skip the giraffes and elephants to go to the Splash Pad.  I'm pretty sure it was their favorite part of the trip!

Then it was time to get ready for the wedding.  Aren't they the cutest?! I'm not biased, or anything. The picture below on the right is from the photo booth at the wedding.  My cousin, OJ, his holding up the kids so they can peek through.  Isn't that a fun idea?!

So, Monday was the big day.  Kindergarten!  Never have I seen a kid so excited about going to school (and probably never will again). 

These two are sure going to miss seeing each other on the playground and around school for the next few years! (and mommy is going to miss one drop off stop...)

With all the hustle and bustle of everyone arriving at the same time, Mrs. Kellen was wonderfully organized with things for the kids to do when they got to school on Monday, so there was no confusion.

In his seat and ready to learn!!

 The sweetest Kindergarten teacher ever, Mrs. Kellen! 
This pic is from Meet the Teacher night, which I did NOT make.

And this little gem is courtesy of Miss Sarah Giles of Butterfly Chaser Photography!  We took pics in June, and she made this and posted it to my Facebook page the night before Kindergarten started. I LOVE it and can't wait to see the rest of our pics from that shoot!  Of course, I will share when we get them...

Day 4 of Kinder and he is loving it!  Today was the first day I had to drop him off and wasn't allowed to walk him in (his rule, not the school's).  Nobody told me that would be harder than the first day!!  He was just mad that I insisted on dropping him off at the building rather than across the street so he could do the cross walk.  He did great, and we may explore the crosswalk option next week.  He's got plenty of time for that, since he'll be at this school for five years. 

We are so proud of him, and love hearing his daily adventures in Kindergarten.  May he always be so willing to share his daily experience in the evening when we get home (with some pointed questions).  I hope he continues to have such a love of learning, that school is always enjoyable to him.  I know it probably won't be, but I think this year is off to a great start and we can just hope for the best!

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