Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

For those of you who don't speak to Justus on a regular basis, I will nutshell this for you-- the kid has an imagination.  And a mouth to go along with it.  Not sure where he gets that from, but that's besides the point.  So, he's ALWAYS making up stories, which most often comes now with the preface of "Daddy [or Mommy, but usually Daddy], let me tell you what my dream today was...."  followed by some elaborate tale he spins as he goes.  There is rarely any sense to it and he mixes his characters from all his favorite things without a blink.  This generally involves all superheros and Star Wars.

In this vein, this morning on the way to school he tells me:
 "Mommy, you know what movie is coming soon?" 
Me: "What movie, bud?"
J: "Batman and the Red Power Ranger beat up the Joker"  (We do not watch Power Rangers at home, so I'm fairly certain his knowledge of them came from friends at school).

Now, I have some tolerance for the mixing and matching of characters from various favorites, particularly because many get clumped together in the Justice League stories, which we have several of, but I have to draw the line at some point (which invariably results in the bursting of a very happy 5-year-old's bubble).

Me: "Justus, I assure you, never will there come a day where Batman and a Power Ranger team up.  They just aren't even in the same league."

I know, I'm a mean, mean mommy.  But really, that's like putting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (another one we don't watch) in the same category with Star Wars.  We just can't have it!

Don't worry--he seemed to take it well.  The next thing I hear is him play acting Batman and the Red Power Ranger where Batman was scolding the Red Power Ranger for not even being a real superhero.  HA!  That's my boy!

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