Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Obligatory photos

I'm not sure what the defining factor is around the rest of the world, but in Texas, spring time means one thing: pictures of small children (and reluctant teens or animals, in some cases) in bluebonnets!!  I remember every. single. year. my grandmother would take me to this wonderful patch of bluebonnets near her house and take what seemed like a gazillion pictures of me (or me and my brother) in the bluebonnets.  I was lucky if maybe two of them were ever any good.  I'm fairly certain that's also part of the tradition.  We don't seem to have a whole lot of overflowing patches this year, but we did find some.   So, as part of the legacy of being a Texan, behold the Royal bluebonnet pics 2012:

If you look closely, you will see how the one decent picture I got of Justus was just after he decided to stick bluebonnets in his ears.  I'm hoping I have enough photoshop skill to do something about that.

Delaney decided chasing our cows was more entertaining than looking at bluebonnets. 
Talk about fearlessness in a child...

And, since we're on the subject of obligatory photos,
how about a few bathtime pics to round out the post?

Is it wrong of me to be nervous that a similar situation may reoccur in about 15 years--Justus handing Delaney a cup saying "here, drink this!  It's good, I promise."  Well, I probably won't be there to witness it then....

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