Friday, September 30, 2011

Catching up

So, this is what I was afraid would happen-- I would get so busy, I would fail to update this as frequently as I would like and would start off each post that I do get to make with an apology for it being so long since the last one.  I promise to get better, but here we go again.  Sorry, it's been a few days and I missed a Wendesday's Winning Words, again.  I need something that will transport my thoughts onto Blogger because I think about what to post while exercising, showering, etc. but when I'm actually in front of a computer, I appear to have other things that more urgently need my attention.  So this is a combination report of the recent happenings in our world.  I will start with what would have been my Wednesday's Winning Words because it's short, sweet....and awesome.

Our prayers at night continue to be interesting.  This week, on a few occassions, we got a "...and God bless the Aggies.  And the Aggie Band."   L.O.V.E. him.

Also, we are starting Crock Pot Mondays in our house.  We are fortunate enough to have two amazing sitters (YAY for Meagan and Shanon!) that help us out with the kids by bringing them home/to practice most of the time.  Well, Monday is my day to pick them up and get them home.  As a result, it's a challenge to get dinner on the table early enough for everyone to eat, play, get ready for bed, etc. in a reasonable amount of time.  So, I decided we are going to have crock pot meals on Mondays.  This week, one of my friends posted one of her new favorite crock pot recipes on her FB page, so I stole it because it looked so easy and yummy.  It was both.  Equally.  I'm normally a 8+ hour crock pot recipe kind of girl because of the work day, and this one is only 5 hours, but because our house is so close to work, I just ran home at lunch, popped it in and dinner was ready when we all got home.  So, it goes like this for
Crock Pot Chicken Pizza:

Layer the following in your crock pot
4-5 chicken breasts in the bottom of your crock pot
a sliced bell pepper and diced small onion
a 14 oz. jar of pizza sauce (I used Ragu)
20-30 pepperonis (cover the top)
1.5-2 cups mozzarella cheese (again, cover the top)

Cook on low for 5 hours.  It is fantastic served with a salad and Italian bread!

Finally, last weekend after the soccer game, while Delaney and I stayed home and watched the Aggies lose it in the 2nd half (still bitter), Justus went dove hunting with his Dad (and by that, I mean that Dad hunted and Justus went along).  While at his Grandma and Grandpa's, he got to ride DRIVE a tractor.... Yikes!

As the story goes, it didn't take him too long to start trying to run into things....  Good thing it's quite a few years before he gets a motorized vehicle of his own!

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