Thursday, September 8, 2011

9 Months!!

Guess who turned 9 months old on Tuesday???  That's right, this kid!

No time for a professional picture today, we had a well check to get to.  She had a great time seeing Dr. Henderson, as always.  So, here's the run down on you, little lady:

*Weight: 17.0 lbs. (19th percentile)

*Height: 27.2 inches (38th percentile)

* You wear a size 2 diaper.  If we could keep them on your feet, I think you wear 3-6 month shoes.  You are finally completely in 6-9 month clothes, and the Old Navy 6-12 month fit while the Gymboree 6-12 month are still too big.  It appears that you will be my petite child, and Lord willing, will not have to deal with the problems I have had finding shoes.

*Still no teeth in that little mouth.  I'm pretty sure I saw white behind the skin on the bottom, although still not breaking through.  You've been drooling like crazy for several months, so I no longer consider that a predictor...just part of your charm.

*You are not really interested in crawling, because you are abundantly aware that we will transport you wherever you want or need to go.  You do have some interest in independent mobility at times, so I think it's coming soon. 

*You LOVE to stand, holding on to something or someone...usually mommy's fingers.  You usually bounce, but the feet are starting to move too.

*You are self feeding puffs and Mum-Mum's, but I find a LOT in your high chair after a meal.  You are eating chunkier food, so I think we are finally ready to start other table food.  You did enjoy some of my bread the other day at lunch, so I'm pretty sure the delay now is totally on me.

*You like to clap your hands, and say "mamamama" and "dadadada." 

*Separation anxiety and stranger danger are starting to set in just a little bit.  I'm not looking forward to daycare drop off as this becomes more prevalent.  I loathed this part of your brother's development.  It makes mommies sad.

*Peek-a-boo, patty cake, and Wheels on the Bus continue to be your favorite games....and this is the part where I admit my lazy parent activity, but you like the Baby Einstein Baby MacDonald DVD.  Ultimately, your favorite toy is still your big brother.

Delaney, we love you and you bring us a great deal of pride!  Watching you grow continues to be a blessing.  Could you slow it down a little bit though, because time is going by way too fast?!  Happy 9 months, little angel.  Guess it's about time to start planning that birthday party...

1 comment:

  1. Delaney is darling! Do you think an arranged marriage for D and Tate would be taboo? ;)
