Thursday, September 15, 2011

An addiction problem name is Karen....and I am an addict.  Wow, that was tough for me to say, but it feels good to finally get it off my chest.  You see, I have been spending a lot of time lately on Pinterest.  Not just lately, really, but for some time now.  I just can't seem to stop.  For those of you who are not familiar with Pinterest, I would encourage you to stay away from it because of its addictive nature, but its awesomeness is so overwhelming that I think everyone should experience it.  Fortunately, many people I know (you know who you are) are as obsessed as I am so I don't feel alone.  Thank you for that support.

I swear, I get on there to find one particular thing I pinned, and the next thing I know, I'm pinning other things and following rabbit holes to websites and blogs that I then want to add to my watch list.  It's really ridiculous...and still so very cool.

For those that are unfamiliar, I will give you a quick rundown:  It's just what it sounds like.  You pin your interests.  You create boards, and then you scroll through pictures and you can "repin" them to the applicable boards.  For example, I have boards for each kids, craft stuff, holidays, food, sayings, stuff for the home, etc.  So, I start scrolling through the main page, and I see a picture of some amazing-looking food, click on it, and it takes me straight to the blog/website where the recipe is.  If I like it, I pin it on my food board.  Eventually, I have a nice little collection of recipes.  On that particular topic, I have now made at least 8-10 recipes that I got off of Pinterest, and not one has let me down!  Through this pinning and searching, I have founds ideas for birthday parties, photo ideas, party planning stuff, crafts I would love to do if I was as crafty as I think I could be if I had the time, travel plans.....I could go on and on.  Clearly I have.  I haven't figured out what makes it so enthralling, because really, it's not anything new.  It's just one place to collect all these fantastic ideas that are already out there.  I think it's the pictures.  They get us with the pictures!  You look through a random collection of pictures (or you can always use the search) and seize on one that catches your eyes.  And that experience is different for everyone because what I am interested in, the next person may not care about.  It's all there, and a simple picture draws us in and the next thing I know, I've pinned it on one of my boards.

To complicate matters, there's an app.  So, it goes with me everywhere.  I'm bored waiting at a doctor's office--I pin.  Sit down for a little tv time or get into bed at night--I pin.  Waiting for my turn in a drive thru--I pin.  Meeting starts running a little long and I've lost interest--I pin.
Because there's ALWAYS something new!!!

You really just have to experience it.  I would say it is a worse time vacuum than Facebook, but I feel so productive as I collect all these wonderful ideas...and then use them!  For whatever reason, it is by invitiation only.  So, if I have intrigued you and you want an invitation, let me know and I will hook you up.  Or you can just go to their website,, and request an invite and you will have it within 24 hours.  Let the madness begin.  Or, as they say, Happy Pinning!

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