Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Why is there never a camera around when you need one?

Today is the day--Justus' first day back to school after surgery!!  He has been doing great and could not have been more excited to see his friends and teachers.  I have to admit that although I often wish he had better control of his emotions (generally during meltdowns over nothing at all), there is something beyond precious about a 4-year-old who can't contain his excitement.  So, here are the obligatory "real" first day of pre-k shots from this morning.

Note to other would-be photographers: this is what you get when your subject insists on saying "Darth Maul" rather than "Cheese."  I'd stick with "Cheese"....

If you happen to open the picture to make it bigger, I apologize for the yucky ear business that it appears we did not address before taking said picture.

Doctor appointment went great, he is cleared for all normal activity (except swimming).  This is HUGE because we were worried about him going back to school and not getting to play with his friends in the gym.  On our way back to school, we talked about listening, paying attention, following directions, all the fun school stuff.  He also told me about what fun games he was going to play with his friends.

When we got into his class, I was immediately regretful that I did not bring my camera in with me.  Clearly, this was going to be the first-day-back moment I wanted to capture.  All his friends hollered his name, and he started flapping his arms and kind of jogging in place.  He was so excited and didn't know who to hug first.  He literally would start toward one friend and then another until he just grabbed one and started hugging.  Then I witnessed it, the first of its kind that I've seen---a dogpile of 4-year olds!  Y'all, those kids mobbed that boy like he had just won the World Series for that class!!  It was the cutest thing I have ever seen and I could just feel the excitement and love in that room (aptly named the Friendship class).  God bless private daycares where that kind of affection is still allowed.  His teacher, Ms. Carolina, was obviously concerned for his ear and pulled him from the mass and directed the others back to their spots on the rug.  She had them all clap to show their pleasure at having Justus back (much safer than the mob o' small children), and instructed them on gentle hugs for him because he had "something special" done on his ear.  She reminded them they had to be gentle so he wouldn't have to go back to the hospital.  He clearly liked the attention, but was a little nervous about it too.  He turned around and gave his other teacher, Ms. Tasha, a big hug---it took him until that moment to realize she was even there.  What a sweet moment to be able to share with him....if only I'd had my camera, or even better a video camera.  Everyone should be able to witness a 4-year old dogpile!

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