Thursday, August 18, 2011

Girls, Girls, Girls...

One year ago, today, this was my office door upon my arrival at work
(LOVE my office peeps for doing this).

We had found out the evening before that we would be adding a girl to our brood. Although beyond ecstatic, I admit I went into a bit of a panic mode.  After all, I was a boy-mom.....and something of a tomboy myself, to boot.  What was I going to do with a little girl?

Now, a year later and after 8 months of life with a little girl, I am happy to report that I have mad skills in bow acquisition, pigtail design, as well as dayschool and church attire assembly.  She may not be high style every day, and we will have missteps no doubt, but for the most part we are doing pretty darn well.  Fortunately, we skated through tights season without much incident since she wasn't really ready for tights then.  I did try to put them on her; but they were just too big.  We also haven't really delved into footwear or accessories since they make their way immediately to her mouth if I try to put them on her, but I know it's coming.  I am proud to say that I look to those future challenges with cautious optimism rather than the complete lack of confidence I was experiencing this time last year.  Boys are still easier to dress and prepare for the day, but the options are definitely more limited.

At this point, my bigger fear is how will we ever be able to discipline this adorable face??


  1. Such an adorable picture! My limited experience in the 'discipline of adorable girls' area has taught me that daddy often has a harder time than mommy :) You could probably already predict that.
