Monday, August 1, 2011


No, I'm not having twins!!   Just had to clear that up.

So, if you've snooped around my blog some, you may have noticed that one of the photographers I follow is Andrea Burns. You may have even noticed that she's in Maryland. Why, you ask, would I follow a Maryland photographer? An old friend? No. Um, it would be because our daughters are twins. Well, not exactly since Audrey is about a year and a half older than Delaney, but it is uncanny (to me) how much they look alike, right down to the blue eyes. And, unbelievably, Audrey has even more hair than Delaney!

Here's Delaney (and me) at about 5 months.

And at about 4 months

Now, here's Miss Audrey through her whole 1st year.  Months 3 thru 5 are particularly Delaney-like, I think.

I happened upon this picture awhile back on Pinterest, and then sneaked a peak at the photographer's blog only to realize it was HER daughter.

Thankfully, she sprinkles wonderful shots of her kids throughout her blog, which allows for more opportunities for me to stalk admire my daughter's older lookalike. Don't get me wrong, I do feel really creepy looking through all her old archives for more pictures of Audrey to see how close the resemblance was, but it has been fascinating.  Isn't she precious?

This one is Delaney at 6 months, which is about the same age as Audrey in the above picture.

I was hoping to have our last set of professional pics of Delaney before I did this post, so there would be better shots of her for a better comparison, but I got antsy. I hope the similarity still translates (mostly because if it doesn't, I just sound like a crazy person!). I may have to update the post if some of the shots are comparison-worthy.

And, in case you were wondering, here's how cute Delaney will be at a year old...well, maybe just a tad cuter, but I'm probably biased.

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