Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words: The hunting trip

Justus and Kidd went to Kidd's parents last weekend for the annual Dove Hunt trip (while I stayed home with little Miss Sick-ALL-Week-Long!).  They left Saturday morning, after we learned of the rain out for soccer.  Friday night before the trip, Justus says the following during prayers:

"...and God...please don't let Daddy shoot me after he shoots the doves and I run out to get them..."

WHAT????  Kidd and I both looked up at each other quizzically (ok, I may have looked a little accusatory).  I mean, really, where does he come up with this stuff?  Needless to say, I encouraged Kidd to have a long talk with him about gun safety on the way down there.  And while they were hunting.  And before bed Saturday night.  And on the way back.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I feel like Radley would offer the same up!
