Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wednesday's Winning Words: Late, but totally worth it

Clutter.  Clutter.  Clutter.

Nope, not just making noise.  I feel like it is my state of existence.  Stuff everywhere!!!

One of the things that is keeping me so busy these days is that we are working to de-clutter our house to make it appealing (and seemingly roomier) to would-be buyers! PS--if you or anyone you know is looking for a lovely 4/3 in a nice CS neighborhood, give me a shout!  Kidd and I spent the weekend (thanks, Maurcie for wrangling the littles all weekend) clearing out.  By the end of the weekend (NOT the end of our task) we had a 12x6 trailer full of stuff to take to storage and bags upon bags to go to the Junior League's Bargain Blitz or the shelter.  I am enormously proud of the work we did, but it hardly looks like we made a dent.  Except in the garage, which looks amazing!  Kidd did awesome.  Wouldn't it be nice if I had pictures to show you?  Sorry, I put my camera away in it's place and then forgot to use it for anything.

Anyway, this leads me to my post for today.  No smarmy kid remarks, sorry, but an article that is totally worth reading, especially if you are one like me who is feeling overwhelmed at all the stuff you have. A new perspective is always refreshing.  I don't think I am ready yet to live by the quoted William Morris’ maxim, “Have nothing in your house you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” but it is certainly a worthy goal.  One that I think will remain in the back of my mind to work toward at the earliest possible opportunity.  I love  I could literally spend hours just perusing pictures, but they have great articles too with enormous insight.  So, I hope you enjoy this one.

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