Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday's Winning Words

I know I should go into a long explanation of why it's been so long since I've posted, but basically there are two words:  work, vacation.  Combined, it just didn't allow for blog updating.  My apologies, but I'm trying to get back in the saddle.  I hope to get pictures posted soon.

As you can imagine, there's been a lot of talk about college football in our house lately.  Justus is still determined to be an LSU Tiger.  When we ask him why, he has come up with various reasons....but most often comes back to "they beat the Aggies."  Harumph.  We expect to resolve that issue in the fall of next year.

Yesterday on the way home from school, he said he was going to go to LSU, but would live in Texas.  We discussed the logistics of that a bit and why that might be difficult even with the advances in online distance learning, and then he followed up with, "Mommy, does Louisiana have a LegoLand?  I'm not sure if I can go to LSU if there's not a LegoLand near there.  I guess I could go there and then come back to Texas to go to LegoLand.  When I get big, I'm going to go to LegoLand all the time."  He also pointed out that he would buy all the Legos that we didn't buy when we were there in December. 

I can't wait until he's 18 and I get to tell him about how he was determining his college choice based on its proximity to a LegoLand!

**On a side note--his trip to LegoLand was intended as an added bonus to the NorthPole Express adventure weekend.  I guess we see what carried more weight.  He hasn't mentioned the NorthPole Express more than a time or two since we went.  Hmmm....

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