Thursday, January 17, 2013

How have SIX years gone by???

Dear Justus,

Six years ago today, about this time (lunchtime, the day before my due date), I had a strange-yet-inappropriate-to-describe-in-a-G-Rated-blog feeling, and told my secretary I was going to head to the doctor's to get checked out, but assured her I would be back shortly because I was sure it wasn't labor.  It was twelve of my most life altering weeks before I would return to the office to work.  The night before, you had been attempting Olympic style gymnastics in my belly and sprung a leak.  Not so much to send me into labor, but enough to make me wonder what was going on.  I learned then that mother's intuition is a real thing and I shouldn't ignore it.  Although you seemed to want out, you were in no hurry.  Again, for the sake of everyone else reading, I will spare you the details of the hours of hard labor amidst an epidural that didn't work, the nasty wintry weather that almost kept your dad from making it to the hospital in time (this was the only time I was really happy you were taking what seemed like forever to do something), what became serious concerns about your safety, and all the other "fun" details of your special day.  At 11:48 that night, Dr. Smith finally drug you out, literally kicking and screaming and a little blue in the face.  You changed our lives forever, in that moment.

Day 1

1st birthday
2nd birthday

3rd birthday 

4th birthday

5th birthday

In keeping with our traditional milestone blogposts, your stats:
Weight: 49 lbs. (69th percentile)
Height: 48 inches (90th percentile)
Clothes Size: 6.  As has been the case your whole life, you are long and lean.  Size 6 pants are too baggy on you, but you have to have them for the lenght.  Some thing with the tops.  The 5/6 tops are usually long enough, but a plain 5 is definitely not ok.  I'm pretty sure you'll still be wearing your size 5 shorts this summer.
Shoe Size:  1W.  You are officially a big kid in the foot department, and I think you can ALMOST tie your shoes.  We all got lazy with this one, thanks to the fabulousness that is velcro, but we must conquer the tying.  I refuse to send you to high school and college in velcro shoes.
Loves:  Your Sister!!  You also love Angry Birds (all three varieties--regular, space, and Star Wars), Ninjago, Skylanders, your Leap Pad 2 (which you call your "iPad for kids"), your new taekwondo class, talking, pretend play, KidsKlub after school program
Food:  You still love blueberries the most, hands down.  I'm pretty sure you could eat them at every meal.  You definitely still prefer fruits over veggies, but will eat broccoli and peas.  Sometimes you eat what we eat for dinner and sometimes you don't.  It varies, but is getting better.  You are still pretty leary of anything that looks like a "plant." (i.e.--is green and is not aforementioned broccoli or peas).
You are an amazing kiddo and we love you more than words can describe.  We hope you have the best 6th birthday ever.  We are looking forward to celebrating with you tonight and this weekend!

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