Friday, September 28, 2012

A beach trip for the books (& related WWW)

We love the beach.  We don't get to go nearly as often as we would like, but we try to make an annual long weekend visit of it with our friends.  We missed last year due to schedules, and I'm pretty sure Delaney being so young had something to do with it too.  So, we just got back from our Mustang Island trip for 2012, and just have to share a few several a lot of pics with you.

It's not a trip to Port Aransas without Souvenir shop and Shark mouth pictures. 

G-Daddy and Darla (not pictured because she was also loving that G-Daddy got in the shark mouth!) also came down for a night!

Yay, we made it to the BEACH!!

The Littles:  T and D

J playing Wiffle Ball with Will.  Don't ya love that hat??

This picture above is from 2009--Kidd and Justus (about a year older than Delaney is below).

 This picture is from this past weekend--Kidd and Delaney. 

Love it.  Will have them framed next to each other!

Someone thinks she can surf!

All three kiddos.  It was hard to get one of all three smiling, so this is the best I could do--at least you can see all three faces.

Sunrise over the Gulf.  I will never get tired of that view.

 D hanging out with Will.
Justus wanted a picture of his sandy feet.  This is one of my favorite pics because it really captures the whole weekend--Happy, Sandy Toes!

We had the greatest time just hanging out on the beach, making memories and laughing.  The Bargers even came down for a day so we got to see them for a bit.  Great trip all around and we can't wait to do it again next year!

I'm incorporating my Wednesday's Winning Words story into this one because it came out of the trip and because I got sidelined with ill child on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Saturday morning, the Royal half of the contingency took an adventure into Port A for breakfast, and on our return trip got a call from Will, asking us to pick up some tobacco.  Poor T got an accidental up-close-and-personal interface with a jellyfish on his morning walk on the beach with Kristin, and Will was going to soothe it with a tobacco paste.  So, I'm talking to Will on the phone and Kidd could tell what we were talking about and says "Just tell Will to pee on him!"  J, being a five-year-old boy, only heard that part of the conversation.  He says "Pee on him?  Pee on who?"  Kidd replies:  "T.." and before he can explain why he would suggest such a thing, Justus got a little worked up:  "NOOO, DON'T PEE ON T!!!"  That's a good friend for you--not letting others piss on you!

**Note that even though peeing on a jellyfish sting spot is a viable option (which, thanks to Friends, we all now know), Kidd truly only suggested it in humor.  I think.**



  1. We love Port A. The Littles are ADORABLE. Hope Delaney is feeling feeling better.

  2. Hi there!
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Port Aransas to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!
