Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A History Lesson

Back in February, I wrote a post about how Justus randomly brought up 09/11/01 and the deep fear and concerns that came to me as I thought about discussing it with him.  One would think that would help me get my rear in gear and be prepared when the actual 09/11 anniversary came around.  Wrong.  I failed again.

Justus' school encouraged all the kids to wear red, white and blue today in memory of that terrible day.  I am grateful that the school makes an effort to memorialize the day.  Both of our kids are wearing red, white and blue today.  But, I know they will talk about it at school today, and am bracing for the dinner time conversation that is to come tonight.  So, last night at dinner, I mentioned that we needed to remember to pull out something red, white and blue to wear today.  He asked why and Kidd told him because it's something special we can do to show that we remember the day.  Of course, then he reminded him about the bad guys that flew planes into really large buildings and a lot of people died and were hurt.  Justus remembered.  In his own way, he remembered. 

He doesn't remember the way that we do: recalling exactly where we were and what we were doing at that very moment, fighting back the tears (or not) as we watch the horrific footage again on television, feeling the lump in our throats and the pangs of horror in the pits of our stomachs as we recall what it did to us, and the pride we felt in our country in the following days.  It's not possible for him to, nor should he be burdened with that kind of detail.  He just remembers the story, at it's very basic level.  Right now, that's all I need him to know.  I am ok that for him it's a history lesson and nothing more.   The rest will come, and sadly, there will probably be some unthinkable event in his lifetime that makes him feel the same way.

Even now, 11 years later, how do you answer when your child asks "Why?  Why would they do that?"

 May God bless and keep our country strong and free, and protect us from senseless acts of violence like those that day which forever impacted our country.  May our children never know the kind of pain we experienced in those moments and days.  May they only feel the camraderie that came out of it.  Bless the families and friends of all those directly impacted by deep and immeasurable loss in that tragic event.  Lord, continue to help us heal and rebuild, but never forget.  Amen.

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