Monday, December 12, 2011

Birthday week fun

Delaney's birthday was also the Weekday School's Christmas Program.  I missed it last year because it was the day Delaney and I came home from the hospital.  I was very glad to attend this year.  So, we postponed our birthday celebration a bit to watch big brother in his program. 

 Delaney and Daddy wait for the big event.

 Justus walking down the aisle with all his friends.  See all the parent paparazzi behind him?  It is so funny to me that we all pull out every piece of recording/photography equipment we have for these precious moments.  I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking I will do something fabulous with them some day to memorialize the moment.....and then they sit...and sit...and sit.  But still, we have them recorded for when we do get to it.

 Aren't they so cute?  The 2-3 year olds sing a few songs, and then the 4-5 year olds sing a few songs and we're done.  8 songs total in about 15 minutes.  There is laughing, crying, singing, playing, sitting, standing, jumping, turning around...  You name it, it happens on that stage.  Hi-larious and precious all at the same time.

Then we went home with some Chick Fil A (cuz that's what we do when Mommy didn't put anything in the crock pot and we get home late from evening activities), and a little cake for the birthday girl.

 She had more fun feeding Daddy than she did eating it herself.

 Then, she was off to tackle the present...that was bigger than she is.  At least the bag, anyway.

 Can you see it in her face?  She's mentally telling Justus "You may have picked this out for me, but you stay away.  It's mine."

He's no dummy--he just waits until she's occupied with something else.  Like a sack.

 Oh, and this came. It's the note from daycare that they are moving her out of the infant room into the 12-18 month old room. I'm pretty sure that's the final straw in "she's not a little baby anymore." Uugh! We will miss her Bunnies teachers, but know she will love the Ducks.  They do all kinds of fun stuff!

It was a great day for our special girl and we had so much fun celebrating with her and going to Justus' Christmas program that he worked so hard to learn 5 Christmas songs for!

But it's been a long day, and I think Eezer has the right idea.

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