Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words


I could stop there.  Really.  But, that would just be mean.  As you may know, Justus started Kindergarten on Monday.  Talk about one seriously excited little boy!  Don't fret, for those that aren't on Facebook, more pictures are coming in a subsequent post.  It's been a busy week.  We have heard about all of the wonderful things about Kindergarten and Kids Klub (after school program), so there could be a lot to share on this Wednesday.  Instead, I will share with you the conversation that I was never prepared for.

It's Tuesday morning (one day of Kinder under his belt):

Justus:  I have to go outside and check the weather!
Me (and Kidd):  Why?
Justus:  Because I'm going to run to school today.

We completely disregarded this because we had never discussed it...and frankly I figured he meant when we got to school, he was wanting to run in the building.

Then, a few minutes later when he and I were about to leave:

Me:  Justus get your things and let's get in the car, please.
J:  Awww, man.  (breaking down into whiny child) I was going to run to school today.
Me:  Justus, we live over a mile from the school and you are five.  There's no way you are walking or running to school by yourself right now....and frankly, probably not this year.
J:  I wasn't going to go by myself.  You could come with me.
Me:  Well, how would I get to work then?  I wouldn't have my car.
J: You could come back and get it.

Clearly, he overestimates my ability to walk in the August heat (even at 7:30 a.m.) and not get sweaty and gross...and he thinks I'm very fast...

To cap it all off, Little Mr. I-Can-Do-It-By-Myself insisted, this morning, that I no longer walk him in the building.  I have to drop him off. 

I. Am. Crushed. 
(all the while, truly appreciating his independence)

Three days?  I thought I could get at least a week of walking in with him. 

When did he become such a big kid??

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