Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's official....I'm a soccer mom!

Sorry for the absence lately, but it's been quite a week!  Work has been beyond insane, and on top of that, we had a week full of sports and a sick baby. 

So, I've told you before about Justus and his hockey.  He likes it and still goes to skating practice to get better so he can eventually actually play hockey.  This week though, we entered the world of competitive (and I use the term loosely since they don't even keep score) soccer!  That's right people, I'm a soccer mom.  For real.  Now, I didn't play soccer growning up, so this is all new to me.  I do understand that it's apparently a very popular kids activity--mostly because I think it's one of the first ones they can do.  I am the first to admit that I have no expectations of college scholarship offers for 4-5 year olds playing soccer.  I just think it's great for them to get out there, learn the game, meet new kids, and have fun.  Justus did exactly those things, and I was so proud!  Wednesday, he started practice with his new team.  At this age, there are 6 kids on the team.  So, here he is in action at practice.

The next night, he got to attend a clinic hosted by the nationally ranked Fightin' Texas Aggie Soccer Team at their field.  Notice the difference in field quality from the local park above.

Deep concentration

 I'm not sure about the technical soccer term for this move, but I'm sure it's something very advanced and not at all my child dancing in the middle of the field.

The Aggie Soccer Team and Coach G!

Finally, today was game day and Justus was excited.  I have never seen such a thing.  It was a sea of soccer madness.  I wish I had a picture of the whole thing.  It was like a pee wee soccer tournament on crack!  Kids everywhere, parents everywhere, and more fold up chairs than Academy has in stock.

He did so great!!  Their team didn't win (his dad kept score, even if it's not part of the official game), but Justus did keep the other team from getting goals on a few occassions.  We may have a defender on our hands.  I didn't get a lot of pictures because we were facing into the sun and I couldn't see what I was shooting.  But here are a couple.

And between this picture on Wednesday.....

and this one today...

this little missy decided to run, on average, a 104 temp.  No fun!  But, she's coming around and had a great time watching big brother do his thing on the soccer pitch.  We have many more opportunities, so I just hope it cools down soon.

All in all, we are excited about this new adventure and look forward to seeing if he sticks with it or decides he's not interested.  I will say his focus was better than I expected.  If he had been picking daisies, he certainly wouldn't have been alone.  It's so gratifying to watch the kids grow into themselves and see the things they have a real interest in...knowing those interests are often different from our own, respecting that, and learning to see it from their perspective.

1 comment:

  1. Delaney and Tate are really on the same schedule: I'm up with a feverish baby :( Cute soccer pics of Justus.
