Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Winning Words Wednesday

This little guy sometimes gets a bad wrap for being a typical 4-year old--not listening or following directions or for making a mess.  So, I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone (okay, mostly myself) that he has such a GOOD heart and will grow out of the rest of it...I hope.  

He's very into pretend play these days, and is happy to explain "Mommy, I'm just pretending" when he's fully engaged in this activity.  The other day, during one such moment he told me:

Mommy, I will share my ice cream with all my friends and family.  If we're playing cowboys, I will share with my horse.  I will also share my popcorn with my horse when we watch movies together.  This is pretty huge because this kid can put away popcorn like nothing I have ever seen!

I told him how nice that was and how everyone likes it when he shares things.

...and then he went on:  "When we play cowboys, I'll be the cowboy, you can be the cowgirl (thank you, Boys Don't Cry, for the 1986 song that I still hear every time he says this), daddy will be the daddy cowboy, and Delaney will be the cowbaby."  a cowbaby?  Really?  ok.  

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