Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday's Winning Words

I had big plans of telling you all about Justus' special goggles today, but then last night happened and the goggles got bumped.  I have a feeling they will resurface as part of Justus' show and tell on Friday, so it may still come up again later.  

Last night from my peaceful slumber, I was awakened by the heavy breathing and occasional mild whimper of a 4-year-old standing approximately 2 inches from my face.  He complained that he couldn't find his puppy (stuffed lovey from which he has not been willingly separated since he was about a year old, seen here in Exhibit A).

As you can imagine, this could spell tragedy,particularly in the middle of the night.  Then he proceeds to tell me how he had an accident in his bed (minor downside to daycare ensuring he is SUPER hydrated in this miserable summer heat).  I, by then, figure out it's 1:48 a.m.  The conversation follows:

Me: Buddy, you don't feel wet anywhere, are you sure it wasn't just a dream?  
Justus: no, mommy, my pjs are wet.
**At this point, I realize that this child has changed clothes and is fully dressed (even with his shoes on!) and ready for school.**
Me: Justus, why didn't you just change pjs instead of putting on your school clothes?  It's still sleepy time, not time to go to school.
Justus:  But I'm not sleepy, Mommy.
Me:  Son, you better get sleepy!  It's 1:45 in the morning and the rest of the natural world is asleep.  You need to get there quick too!  Take your shoes off, get in this bed, while I go strip yours.  When I get back, I want you to be asleep.

I admit it, not my most compassionate moment of parenting.  Frustrated that I didn't even have clean sheets to put back on his bed for him to get in to, I knew it meant the rest of the night for me would be a struggle to stand my ground for my tiny part of our king bed.  As expected, a not-so-small pair of feet firmly planted in my back the next 4 hours.  Here's hoping for a better night tonight, and a prayer of thanks that it's not a common occurrence.

On a happier note, Sarah published some pics from the kids' last photo shoot at  See a few below:

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