Friday, July 29, 2011

The week in review

 Here's what I INTENDED to post Tuesday night (fail) and Wednesday night (fail), but now I'm home and can just add in the pictures:

I tried to post something last night, but I ended up having a fight with my iPad instead. Sadly, it won. I cried "uncle," went to sleep and vowed to try again today. So, here I am. Here's hoping this works...
Well, the time has come-- Mommy's first business trip since Delaney has joined our family. We knew it was inevitable, but that doesn't make it any easier on any of us. After a wonderful weekend of visiting potential summer camps in the hill country and celebrating G-Daddy's 70th birthday (pictures coming, they are stranded on my camera until I get home), Kidd headed back home with the kiddos Sunday, while I stayed to begin my 4 day trip 'round the hotbox (also known as South Texas). I'm not sure who's more frustrated-- me because I miss everyone like crazy, or Kidd because I've left him with the kids for 4 days. Thankfully, Miss Shanon is there to help, so it's not like he has to do everything ALL by himself. 
 So, what happens when Mommy is away??

Dinner dates, of course... Miss Shanon worked her magic and multi-tasks with Delaney and the King kids while Justus is off at swim lessons.

 And don't you think Delaney looks like she's in a barbershop, waiting for a haircut?

This is one I took Sunday morning at G-Daddy and Darla's house. I melt at how they are each other's favorite person in the world right now. I know it won't last forever, so I'm soaking it up while I can.

At least I got to spend one day with this as the view from my "office"  

But, can you believe I left this face at home?? MacLaren should pay me for this advertisement....

And, now that I'm home, I can share the pics from G-Daddy's 70th birthday weekend!  I was remiss in not taking pictures of the summer camps we visited for Justus, but I think I was just so busy soaking up our few precious hours in the Texas Hill Country that I totally forgot.  So, you get birthday fun only.  

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this man and can't believe he's 70!!  I do have a great pic on my phone of him with his birthday breakfast and "70" candles, but given that he was still in his robe, I will not share.  Nobody's every accused Johnny B. of being shy, but at some point you just earn the right to not be on the Internet in your "home" clothes.  So, Dad, you're welcome.  It's my gift to you.  Anyhoo, here's his wonderful cake with sparklers.  So fun, and totally acceptable, even in a burn ban because we were inside and there was plenty of waitstaff at the ready in the event of a sparkler emergency.

Family had a great time visiting and telling stories (about Dad as a young lad, no doubt)...

 As expected, Justus gets bored and finds his own way to keep busy (thanks Uncle Jason and cousin Cyndi).  Don't mind the high water pants, they looked ok when he was standing up....really, they did.

I'm working backwards here, but  this is Delaney and Daddy getting ready for the party.  So excited about using this picture when her dad walks her down the stage at her sorority pledge presentation in, oh, 18 years.    Do they even call it pledge presentation anymore?  Hmm..

To prepare, Justus cozied up with a good book.

Delaney and the birthday boy.  You'll notice no picture of Justus with G-Daddy, and I'm pretty sure that's because Justus didn't stop moving once we got to the party.

And finally, a great picture of our favorite birthday boy and his beautiful bride.  Aren't they cute?

G-Daddy, we hope you had a great birthday!  We are honored to have celebrated with you and Darla, and appreciate you letting us invade your otherwise peaceful abode for the weekend. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic and comment about Justus and Delaney being each other's favorite right now. I think Cole and Tate are the same way right now. I hope it lasts for a while...
