Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday's Winning Words

As is true with most little boys (it's innate, I swear), Justus is all about shooting things, sword fighting, crashing cars...all things destructive.  This has been fairly consistent since 1) an opportunity about a year ago to acquire a wooden rubber band shotgun that he still doesn't know shoots rubber bands, and 2) he's figured out that shooting, sword fighting, etc. creates that perfect imaginary world of good guys vs. bad guys ("I'm gonna shoot the bad guys" has been a favorite phrase lately).  In such games, he can ALWAYS be the good guy or hero.  Evidently, he didn't get the same recognition of achievement while playing dinosaurs and trains, so he's sorta moved on.  I suppose it's possible that his father's inclination to allow him to watch John Wayne movies may have some influence as well, but I couldn't say for sure.  

The other day, Justus was telling his dad that he was going to shoot the deer.  What deer?  We're not sure, just "the" deer.  He kept saying it over and over.  So, Kidd asked him why he wanted to kill the deer.  And Justus kept saying he was going to shoot the deer...and Kidd kept asking him why he wanted to kill the deer.  Justus finally said "Daddy, I don't want to kill the deer.  I want to shoot it."  There's something about that innocence I just love!  On the down side, we got a note home from school a few days ago that asked us to remind Justus that we don't play guns at school.  Do you think his teacher would be okay with it if we explained that he has no intention of killing anyone, just shooting them...and even then, only the ones that are playing the role of the bad guy??

Justus displays his latest sword acquisition at the circus.  Look how sweet that face is.  He wouldn't hurt a fly.


  1. So funny! Did you see my post about Cole shooting the 50-60 pound deed? Where do they come up with this stuff?! :)

  2. *deer. That's what I get for multi-tasking by typing a comment and feeding the baby at the sane time.

  3. Yes, and I love it! They crack me up....daily!

    And feeding time was the best time I could find to check messages, etc. I'm pretty sure Delaney believes my iPhone is a natural extension of my hand. :-)

  4. I love it - boys are so so so much fun. And at six, we're still fighting bad guys. Sometimes though we try to convince the bad guys that they should defect and join the good guys.

    Also, we were pretty sure that we were going to get a note from Freddy's preschool in Maryland about gun shooting because I let him "shoot" (pull the trigger while sitting in my lap) during a Christmas target shooting fun time at the ranch. No note from school, but my boss at work was appalled that we let him go with us/hold a gun/"shoot" a gun. And I just saw the hockey picks - How cool! I can't let Freddy see them, he would be so jealous, he has been asking to play hockey for a couple of years. Oh, and basketball, baseball, lacrosse, football, anything with a ball or stick....
