Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday's Winning Words: Toddler Lyrics

To say that Delaney's vocabulary has taken off would be the understatement of the century.  Regularly, she says things that make me just stop and wonder what happened to my 2 year old and when she suddenly became a teenager.  It's frightening, sometimes.  Really.  My favorite thing lately is that she sings in the car.  Constantly.  And if she doesn't like the song I have on the radio (that I may or may not be singing along to), she will sing louder, as if to prove a point.  Yeah, it's cute.  For now.  So, I thought it would be fun to share with you a few of Delaney's lyrics to some of our favorites.  Feel free to sing along in your head.  You know you can't help yourself.

The Alphabet Song: "...LMNOP, 2RS, TUV..."

Row Your Boat:  "Wo, Wo, Wo your boat, gently down the street..."  Poor girl--we don't have streams, here in this part of Texas.  Can you blame her for getting that one wrong?

Jingle Bells (I think I've mentioned this is a year-round favorite for her):  "Shingle Bells Shingle Bells, Shingle all the way.  Oh what fun it is to ride. HEY!"  That's the entirety of the song, as far as she is concerned.

This must be the early version of that e-card I keep seeing about that awkward moment when you are singing a song you've known since you were a kid and you suddenly understand the lyrics.  I love that she enjoys music so much.  She is constantly bobbing her head to whatever is on the radio and she's now taken to just putting our everyday phrases into song.  It definitely makes me more cognizant of what I'm saying.

And since I've been depriving everyone of pictures lately, and since we're on the subject of Delaney, here are a few recent pics of her.  Don't even talk to me about how grown up she looks.  I know and it's breaking my heart.

Playing dress up at G-Daddy's and Darla's

 Playground time!!

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